PM: Why is West silent on messages coming from Bosnia?

Aleksandar Vucic told B92 on Thursday he has been receiving "messages from world leaders not to react to the rhetoric coming out of Bosnia-Herzegovina."

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 22.09.2016.


PM: Why is West silent on messages coming from Bosnia?

PM: Why is West silent on messages coming from Bosnia?

Vucic said he received "countless" messages from "big and smaller" leaders that advised him "not to pay attention to Sefer Halilovic's statements."

"They say he is irrelevant, that he is a madman. Still - why isn't anyone reacting, either from the West, or from Bosnia-Herzegovina? I ask why they don't say it publicly. I'm afraid it's because there are more than a few who share his attitude," said Vucic.

The prime minister said that Serbia "respects Bosnia-Herzegovina's integrity and will not take part in any kind of games with anyone, but will also not allow the Serb Republic (Serb entity in Bosnia-Herzegovina) to be destroyed and disappear."

Vucic sees this as part of the issue of regional stability that he is due to once again discuss with top NATO officials, including the alliance's secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg.

"We have talked about everything and we will talk about everything, including the Russian influence in the Balkans. However, we have our own worries. The question of what we want is being posed more and more often. We want to talk about peace and stability, we work on that diligently, and on creating security for people," said Vucic.

As for his participation in a panel organized by the Clinton Foundation, and thus his "taking sides" in the ongoing presidential campaign in the U.S., Vucic said he was "not doing that."

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