SPO threatens to expel minister from party

The Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO) party is threatening to expel one of its deputy leader and the diaspora minister in the current government, Srđan Srećković.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 14.11.2011.


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The Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO) party is threatening to expel one of its deputy leader and the diaspora minister in the current government, Srdjan Sreckovic. The SPO presidency met in Belgrade on Sunday to announce that 18 out of 20 of its members decided that Sreckovic should "either represent the party policy or face a disciplinary process that brings with it expulsion". SPO threatens to expel minister from party This was confirmed by another SPO vice-president, Zika Gojkovic, who also reacted to media reports that members were lately leaving the party led by Vuk Draskovic: "I responsibly claim that no party official, no SPO branch has left the party, nor are they dissatisfied with the SPO policy, also when it comes to Kosovo and the EU." In a statement for Tanjug, he noted that the party and the Liberal Democrats (LDP) founded a movement dubbed "U-Turn", and that it was gaining in popularity. The SPO announced on Sunday it does not support "the continuation of the unimplementable, losing policy on Kosovo," noting it "is hurting the interests of both Serbia and the Serb people in Kosovo." "The SPO supports the policy: Serbia in the European Union, and European rights and guarantees for the Serbs and Serbian cultural and national heritage in Kosovo. For this reason, the SPO will not pay lip service to the continuation of the unimplementable, losing policy on Kosovo, which is hurting the interests of both Serbia and the Serb people in Kosovo," it is said in the conclusions adopted at the session of the party Presidency. Sreckovic, who serves in the government of Mirko Cvetkovic, in the meantime commented by requesting a meeting of the SPO Main Board, noting that it was the only party body with powers to make strategic decisions related to its future, including its stance on the state policy toward Kosovo and forging of partnerships with other political organizations. He added that the Main Board was also in charge of deciding on his possible expulsion. Sreckovic noted that this body was not given a chance to take its position on the signing of the "U-Turn" document, presented recently. The minister and top SPO official also said that he believed that his party, as part of the ruling coalition, should be a constructive partner and not abandon the state policy. Srdjan Sreckovic (Tanjug, file)

SPO threatens to expel minister from party

This was confirmed by another SPO vice-president, Žika Gojković, who also reacted to media reports that members were lately leaving the party led by Vuk Drašković:

"I responsibly claim that no party official, no SPO branch has left the party, nor are they dissatisfied with the SPO policy, also when it comes to Kosovo and the EU."

In a statement for Tanjug, he noted that the party and the Liberal Democrats (LDP) founded a movement dubbed "U-Turn", and that it was gaining in popularity.

The SPO announced on Sunday it does not support "the continuation of the unimplementable, losing policy on Kosovo," noting it "is hurting the interests of both Serbia and the Serb people in Kosovo."

"The SPO supports the policy: Serbia in the European Union, and European rights and guarantees for the Serbs and Serbian cultural and national heritage in Kosovo. For this reason, the SPO will not pay lip service to the continuation of the unimplementable, losing policy on Kosovo, which is hurting the interests of both Serbia and the Serb people in Kosovo," it is said in the conclusions adopted at the session of the party Presidency.

Srećković, who serves in the government of Mirko Cvetković, in the meantime commented by requesting a meeting of the SPO Main Board, noting that it was the only party body with powers to make strategic decisions related to its future, including its stance on the state policy toward Kosovo and forging of partnerships with other political organizations.

He added that the Main Board was also in charge of deciding on his possible expulsion.

Srećković noted that this body was not given a chance to take its position on the signing of the "U-Turn" document, presented recently.

The minister and top SPO official also said that he believed that his party, as part of the ruling coalition, should be a constructive partner and not abandon the state policy.

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