"They got out of control": All-out war begins?

"If Israel continues its relentless bombing of Gaza, the Islamic world will have no choice but to enter into an all-out war against Israel."

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 13.10.2023.


Foto: Profimedia

"They got out of control": All-out war begins?

That's what Marko Blažić from the Center for Social Stability said today.

"Then we will see a totally different dimension of the conflict than now. Considering the war in Ukraine and the geostrategic circumstances, it will be total madness and literally the entire American industry will turn into a war industry and arm Israel and Ukraine," Blažić told Tanjug.

He emphasizes that a new dimension of the conflict will begin when the Shia world, above all, Hezbollah and Shia militias join the conflict, and that then turn that war into a counterpart to the war in Ukraine.

On the other hand, he points out that this conflict has no potential to last long, if Hezbollah and Shia militias do not get involved in it.

"Hamas has no capacity and it is only a matter of days before they collapse. We already see that they fire barely 100 rockets a day and the Iron Dome knocks it all down, because it is maximally effective when there is no impact from several thousand rockets. That conflict will last a short time, but the key is whether Hezbollah, which is militarily much stronger than Hamas, will get involved," said Blažić.

He points out that someone had to train Hamas for an attack of this kind on Israel and that he believes that only Iran was able to do it. On the other hand, he adds, it is surprising that Hezbollah, whose main protector is Iran, as well as the Shia militias, was totally unprepared for the attack, because otherwise they would have joined Hamas in attacking Israel.

In addition, Blažić states, official data from American security agencies came out today, which says that key people in Iran were totally surprised by the attack in telephone conversations. All that, he concludes, should exclude Iran.

"I think it got out of hand and that Hamas organized the attack on its own to prevent the normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab and Muslim world. On the other hand, they were going to commit serious crimes, they knew that Israel would not forgive them and that the wanton bombing of Gaza will begin," explains Blažić.

As a result of that bombing, he continues, the Chief of the General Staff of the Pakistani Army says that he will make his ballistic missiles available to the Palestinians, there are protests in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt has a huge problem, because the US is pressuring it to accept refugees.

"I think there is nothing to it, because it would destroy Egypt as a state. Egypt does not have the capacity to receive 2.2 million Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. If we consider the examples from Syria, Libya, Jordan, we see that Palestinian refugee camps are becoming recruiting centers for many radical terrorist groups.

"Egypt cannot afford that, especially if we consider how much tension there is on the Sinai Peninsula," concludes Blažić. In addition, he points out, Israel itself is in an unenviable position, given that Iran has achieved its strategic goal, completed the creation of a Shiite crescent from a port in the Persian Gulf, through Iran, through Iraq, Damascus, Beirut to the Mediterranean.

"Those several million square kilometers are controlled by the Shiite militias and Hezbollah, which is an incomparably stronger military formation than Hamas. The Shiite world has enormous potential. Iran has more than 100 bases in Syria, which it wants to turn into a missile training ground from where it will, when the conflict with Hezbollah occurs and Israel, rocket Israel. The entire desert from Palmyra to the border with Iraq has been turned into bases for drones and missiles," explains Blažić.

He points out that the question is how many thousands of drones and missiles are there, and that if we see how much success Shahid had in Ukraine, and the Iranians have two or three newer generations than Shahid, then we know that Israel is in a big strategic problem.

"This is exactly why Israel bombarded Aleppo and Damascus yesterday, where it targeted precisely those routes where the Shiite crescent is. Israel targets Syria at least once every 10 days, precisely those centers and bases where drones are assembled," says Blažić.

Speaking about the actual attack by Hamas on Israel, he says that even after seven days it is still not clear how the Israeli intelligence and security services were so secretive and did not notice the preparations of Hamas, which managed to break through the most sophisticated wall in the world, penetrate 20-25 kilometers deep to Israel and commit so many crimes.

"First of all, it is very questionable who provided them with the satellite images, because they knew very well where the Israeli defense was weakest and focused their forces there and broke through the defense. Then, who trained them, from the command staff to the tactical battalions. The disorientation of the Israeli force lasted so long precisely because of the training of those lowest units, who were able to quickly move from one point to another," explains Blažić.

This, he concludes, indisputably indicates that they had training from some party capable of this.

"We should not forget that Iran has absolved a proxy war. The Houthi movement in slippers is fighting against hundreds of millions of US dollar worth of the most sophisticated weapons owned by Saudi Arabia and they are dealing with it and winning. That is how they quickly mastered the technique and technology of assembling drones, ballistic missiles, that they were hitting 2,000 kilometers deep into the territory of Saudi Arabia, airports, oil facilities," said Blažić.

It is the same with Hamas, which has learned to make weapons out of commercial items. Blažić cites the example of quadricopters that cost several hundred dollars and that launch missiles that also cost several hundred dollars and destroy the Merkava tank, the pride of the Israeli war industry.

"The Israelis are a defense and security superpower, and that's why we see that Hamas has prepared very well, and I think that only Iran is capable of that. They could not have prepared it themselves. On the other hand, it is totally illogical to me that Hezbollah was so unprepared for this", says Blažić.

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