Friday, 13.10.2023.


"They got out of control": All-out war begins?

"If Israel continues its relentless bombing of Gaza, the Islamic world will have no choice but to enter into an all-out war against Israel."

Izvor: Tanjug

"They got out of control": All-out war begins? IMAGE SOURCE

16 Komentari

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Tom Sawyer

pre 7 meseci

Absolutely trained, funded by Iran.
(Betsy Lalich, 14 October 2023 14:52)

Liar. Betsy you have revealed yourself to be nothing but an evil American liar.
Yitzhak Rabin(was also prime minister like Bibi) revealed that “Supporting and creating Hamas was Israel's fatal mistake."
The USA and Israel, who wanted a radical opposition to Yaser Arafat and the PLO, created and funded Hamas.
How many decapitated baby lies have you spread today?
Betsy, have you no shame for yourself?
Shouldn’t you at least atone and apologize when your blatant lies are exposed?
Please stop calling yourself a Serb or relating your self to any Serb. You and your lies are shameful and purely American. You are not a Serb, at least until you apologize for your blatant lies.

Tom Sawyer

pre 7 meseci

Since Betsy is proud of her beloved USA and their purported “truth and democracy” that they insist on delivering through bombs and guns to the rest of the free world, I suggest we acknowledge Betsy Lalich with a new title: Betsy-Beheaded-Babies Lalich.

We can prove that it was Betsy who wrote about the Palestinians:
“decapitating infants in front of their soon to be murdered mothers”
(Betsy Lalich, 12 October 2023 09:57).

This lie has been exposed as another Israeli/American lie in an infinite universe of their lies that have ruined the world over the last seven decades.
Yes, the masks are finally falling off the lying likes of Betsy-Beheaded-Babies Lalich.
I look forward to continuing to expose the lies of this evil person.


pre 7 meseci

(Peggy, 16 October 2023 04:54)

Unfortunately, the Americans live in a world of their own. They actually believe that Russian economy is on equal footing with Italy when in fact its equal to or even larger than Japan. The Russian economy is growing between 2.8% and 3% this year while the growth in the Australian economy is 1.3%. Even the US and EU growth rates are less than Russia.
The US has horribly miscalculated in Ukraine and it’s very possible that both Israel and US have done the same here – western hubris is to blame. Both Israel and US have been caught completely off guard with Hamas attacking Israel.
Yes, US weapons are burning nicely in Ukraine plus the weaponry is old – they don’t have new weapons, but the entire military industrial complex (MIC) in the US is in private hands and it takes years to manufacture new weapons. The factories are designed for a certain output and anything more requires investment to expand and this would take years to complete.
The US does not have the military to carry out such an activity. Despite being downsized for years today it has difficulty filling vacancies in their ranks. The US has a budget of $870 billion but the vast majority goes to the MICs not actual US military.
The two battle groups sent by the US are mostly for show and, yes, the Muslim world will side with Hamas.

Betsy Lalich

pre 7 meseci

So Peggy,

According to you, the Nazis should have been allowed to win, because they were so organized, with plenty of friends.


pre 8 meseci

The Palestinians will fight to the last because they have nothing to lose and that's a very dangerous adversary.
(sj, 14 October 2023 05:46)
While the US has sent reserves of ammunition and equipment meant for Israel for such an occasion over to Ukraine to be destroyed.
How long can Israel lasts? Muslims world is not likely going to leave Hamas on their own. I imagine this was done with planning and approval.
While US is fighting in Ukraine and having their weapons destroyed now they have to come up with new weapons for Israel and send troops too.
Someone hasn't thought this through all the way.


pre 8 meseci

The Palestinians will fight to the last because they have nothing to lose and that's a very dangerous adversary.
(sj, 14 October 2023 05:46)
While the US has sent reserves of ammunition and equipment meant for Israel for such an occasion over to Ukraine to be destroyed.
How long can Israel lasts? Muslims world is not likely going to leave Hamas on their own. I imagine this was done with planning and approval.
While US is fighting in Ukraine and having their weapons destroyed now they have to come up with new weapons for Israel and send troops too.
Someone hasn't thought this through all the way.


pre 8 meseci

Marko Blazic, having no credentials, is not a reliable source of information. Even in Serbia, he is not recognized as an authority on war reporting.


pre 8 meseci

This recent terrorist action in Israel was the idea of Putin in order to attempt to divert attention of the U.S. from Ukraine. Putin is allied with the leadership of Iran, their motivation is to make the U.S. spread itself thin thereby weakening their influence in Ukraine and the Middle East. However, the U.S. has more than enough manpower and weapons/ammunition to fight wars in multiple locations.


pre 8 meseci

Look who’s blustering , the little frustrated troll from down under! Sj is actually referring to Putin’s Russia that got its nose bluddied.


pre 8 meseci

They don't want such terrorists in there own country. Who would?
(Betsy Lalich, 14 October 2023 14:52)
Most Americans are ignorant and backwards and your no exception. You love to open your mouth and expel nonsense with little to no idea of history of how all this started nor do you understand how this enclave called Gaza came about.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

Iran is simply one big terrorist state.
No one wants their style of government and hateful behavior. They are a danger to all civilized nations.


pre 8 meseci

Hey Betsy didn't Americans give 8 billion dollars back to Iran.
So it can fund terrorism like Hamas and finish building a nuclear bomb.
That is months away in completing it.
All approved by the old cenile coot in the White house.
I wonder if he got a kick back for all his wickedness.


pre 8 meseci

Right sj Americans shit in some ones back yard then run away to the continet.
Same with Englanders then run to the island and hide.
Not unlike the Serbs kill, rape, ethnik cleans etc unarmed civillians.
Then wait for retribution for all their wickedness.
Then cry whine how the world is so unfair to silly Serbs.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

Absolutely trained, funded by Iran.

Very sad. Gaza has been given help for years, even by Israel, hoping for a peaceful neighbor.
Every good offer was turned into hate and making weapons of war, teaching hate instead of actually helping their people. And the leaders start this violence but hide like the cowards they are.

Israel has no choice.
Jew-hatred still existing guarantees why a Jewish state must exist.

Look at the size of the Arab world. That is not enough for them? And they care nothing for their Palestinian brothers.
They don't want such terrorists in there own country. Who would?


pre 8 meseci

Israel was caught by surprise by this event and that, like its protector the US, was due to its own arrogance that nothing could touch it. The reality is that Israel was badly prepared for such as a conflict with a lack of equipment and uniforms etc and now its going to war on Hamas's terms and territory.
To start such as conflict Hamas was well aware of what would occur and must have prepared for what's to come. Yes the Arab world will be drawn into the conflict and the US is a façade of a power it used to be in the 1990s no matter how many battle groups it brings to the Middle East. Its mainly for show because it cannot fight a multi front war.
Israel like the US lives in a world of its own and does not realise what its getting into believing this is its chance to rid the Palestinian once for all. This is looking like a repeat of Lebanon where it found out that its forces were not as good as the propaganda was saying. The Palestinians will fight to the last because they have nothing to lose and that's a very dangerous adversary.


pre 8 meseci

Israel was caught by surprise by this event and that, like its protector the US, was due to its own arrogance that nothing could touch it. The reality is that Israel was badly prepared for such as a conflict with a lack of equipment and uniforms etc and now its going to war on Hamas's terms and territory.
To start such as conflict Hamas was well aware of what would occur and must have prepared for what's to come. Yes the Arab world will be drawn into the conflict and the US is a façade of a power it used to be in the 1990s no matter how many battle groups it brings to the Middle East. Its mainly for show because it cannot fight a multi front war.
Israel like the US lives in a world of its own and does not realise what its getting into believing this is its chance to rid the Palestinian once for all. This is looking like a repeat of Lebanon where it found out that its forces were not as good as the propaganda was saying. The Palestinians will fight to the last because they have nothing to lose and that's a very dangerous adversary.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

Absolutely trained, funded by Iran.

Very sad. Gaza has been given help for years, even by Israel, hoping for a peaceful neighbor.
Every good offer was turned into hate and making weapons of war, teaching hate instead of actually helping their people. And the leaders start this violence but hide like the cowards they are.

Israel has no choice.
Jew-hatred still existing guarantees why a Jewish state must exist.

Look at the size of the Arab world. That is not enough for them? And they care nothing for their Palestinian brothers.
They don't want such terrorists in there own country. Who would?


pre 8 meseci

Hey Betsy didn't Americans give 8 billion dollars back to Iran.
So it can fund terrorism like Hamas and finish building a nuclear bomb.
That is months away in completing it.
All approved by the old cenile coot in the White house.
I wonder if he got a kick back for all his wickedness.


pre 8 meseci

Right sj Americans shit in some ones back yard then run away to the continet.
Same with Englanders then run to the island and hide.
Not unlike the Serbs kill, rape, ethnik cleans etc unarmed civillians.
Then wait for retribution for all their wickedness.
Then cry whine how the world is so unfair to silly Serbs.


pre 8 meseci

They don't want such terrorists in there own country. Who would?
(Betsy Lalich, 14 October 2023 14:52)
Most Americans are ignorant and backwards and your no exception. You love to open your mouth and expel nonsense with little to no idea of history of how all this started nor do you understand how this enclave called Gaza came about.


pre 8 meseci

The Palestinians will fight to the last because they have nothing to lose and that's a very dangerous adversary.
(sj, 14 October 2023 05:46)
While the US has sent reserves of ammunition and equipment meant for Israel for such an occasion over to Ukraine to be destroyed.
How long can Israel lasts? Muslims world is not likely going to leave Hamas on their own. I imagine this was done with planning and approval.
While US is fighting in Ukraine and having their weapons destroyed now they have to come up with new weapons for Israel and send troops too.
Someone hasn't thought this through all the way.


pre 8 meseci

Marko Blazic, having no credentials, is not a reliable source of information. Even in Serbia, he is not recognized as an authority on war reporting.


pre 8 meseci

The Palestinians will fight to the last because they have nothing to lose and that's a very dangerous adversary.
(sj, 14 October 2023 05:46)
While the US has sent reserves of ammunition and equipment meant for Israel for such an occasion over to Ukraine to be destroyed.
How long can Israel lasts? Muslims world is not likely going to leave Hamas on their own. I imagine this was done with planning and approval.
While US is fighting in Ukraine and having their weapons destroyed now they have to come up with new weapons for Israel and send troops too.
Someone hasn't thought this through all the way.

Tom Sawyer

pre 7 meseci

Since Betsy is proud of her beloved USA and their purported “truth and democracy” that they insist on delivering through bombs and guns to the rest of the free world, I suggest we acknowledge Betsy Lalich with a new title: Betsy-Beheaded-Babies Lalich.

We can prove that it was Betsy who wrote about the Palestinians:
“decapitating infants in front of their soon to be murdered mothers”
(Betsy Lalich, 12 October 2023 09:57).

This lie has been exposed as another Israeli/American lie in an infinite universe of their lies that have ruined the world over the last seven decades.
Yes, the masks are finally falling off the lying likes of Betsy-Beheaded-Babies Lalich.
I look forward to continuing to expose the lies of this evil person.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

Iran is simply one big terrorist state.
No one wants their style of government and hateful behavior. They are a danger to all civilized nations.


pre 8 meseci

Look who’s blustering , the little frustrated troll from down under! Sj is actually referring to Putin’s Russia that got its nose bluddied.


pre 7 meseci

(Peggy, 16 October 2023 04:54)

Unfortunately, the Americans live in a world of their own. They actually believe that Russian economy is on equal footing with Italy when in fact its equal to or even larger than Japan. The Russian economy is growing between 2.8% and 3% this year while the growth in the Australian economy is 1.3%. Even the US and EU growth rates are less than Russia.
The US has horribly miscalculated in Ukraine and it’s very possible that both Israel and US have done the same here – western hubris is to blame. Both Israel and US have been caught completely off guard with Hamas attacking Israel.
Yes, US weapons are burning nicely in Ukraine plus the weaponry is old – they don’t have new weapons, but the entire military industrial complex (MIC) in the US is in private hands and it takes years to manufacture new weapons. The factories are designed for a certain output and anything more requires investment to expand and this would take years to complete.
The US does not have the military to carry out such an activity. Despite being downsized for years today it has difficulty filling vacancies in their ranks. The US has a budget of $870 billion but the vast majority goes to the MICs not actual US military.
The two battle groups sent by the US are mostly for show and, yes, the Muslim world will side with Hamas.

Tom Sawyer

pre 7 meseci

Absolutely trained, funded by Iran.
(Betsy Lalich, 14 October 2023 14:52)

Liar. Betsy you have revealed yourself to be nothing but an evil American liar.
Yitzhak Rabin(was also prime minister like Bibi) revealed that “Supporting and creating Hamas was Israel's fatal mistake."
The USA and Israel, who wanted a radical opposition to Yaser Arafat and the PLO, created and funded Hamas.
How many decapitated baby lies have you spread today?
Betsy, have you no shame for yourself?
Shouldn’t you at least atone and apologize when your blatant lies are exposed?
Please stop calling yourself a Serb or relating your self to any Serb. You and your lies are shameful and purely American. You are not a Serb, at least until you apologize for your blatant lies.


pre 8 meseci

This recent terrorist action in Israel was the idea of Putin in order to attempt to divert attention of the U.S. from Ukraine. Putin is allied with the leadership of Iran, their motivation is to make the U.S. spread itself thin thereby weakening their influence in Ukraine and the Middle East. However, the U.S. has more than enough manpower and weapons/ammunition to fight wars in multiple locations.

Betsy Lalich

pre 7 meseci

So Peggy,

According to you, the Nazis should have been allowed to win, because they were so organized, with plenty of friends.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

Absolutely trained, funded by Iran.

Very sad. Gaza has been given help for years, even by Israel, hoping for a peaceful neighbor.
Every good offer was turned into hate and making weapons of war, teaching hate instead of actually helping their people. And the leaders start this violence but hide like the cowards they are.

Israel has no choice.
Jew-hatred still existing guarantees why a Jewish state must exist.

Look at the size of the Arab world. That is not enough for them? And they care nothing for their Palestinian brothers.
They don't want such terrorists in there own country. Who would?


pre 8 meseci

Israel was caught by surprise by this event and that, like its protector the US, was due to its own arrogance that nothing could touch it. The reality is that Israel was badly prepared for such as a conflict with a lack of equipment and uniforms etc and now its going to war on Hamas's terms and territory.
To start such as conflict Hamas was well aware of what would occur and must have prepared for what's to come. Yes the Arab world will be drawn into the conflict and the US is a façade of a power it used to be in the 1990s no matter how many battle groups it brings to the Middle East. Its mainly for show because it cannot fight a multi front war.
Israel like the US lives in a world of its own and does not realise what its getting into believing this is its chance to rid the Palestinian once for all. This is looking like a repeat of Lebanon where it found out that its forces were not as good as the propaganda was saying. The Palestinians will fight to the last because they have nothing to lose and that's a very dangerous adversary.


pre 8 meseci

Right sj Americans shit in some ones back yard then run away to the continet.
Same with Englanders then run to the island and hide.
Not unlike the Serbs kill, rape, ethnik cleans etc unarmed civillians.
Then wait for retribution for all their wickedness.
Then cry whine how the world is so unfair to silly Serbs.

Betsy Lalich

pre 8 meseci

Iran is simply one big terrorist state.
No one wants their style of government and hateful behavior. They are a danger to all civilized nations.


pre 8 meseci

This recent terrorist action in Israel was the idea of Putin in order to attempt to divert attention of the U.S. from Ukraine. Putin is allied with the leadership of Iran, their motivation is to make the U.S. spread itself thin thereby weakening their influence in Ukraine and the Middle East. However, the U.S. has more than enough manpower and weapons/ammunition to fight wars in multiple locations.


pre 8 meseci

Look who’s blustering , the little frustrated troll from down under! Sj is actually referring to Putin’s Russia that got its nose bluddied.


pre 8 meseci

Hey Betsy didn't Americans give 8 billion dollars back to Iran.
So it can fund terrorism like Hamas and finish building a nuclear bomb.
That is months away in completing it.
All approved by the old cenile coot in the White house.
I wonder if he got a kick back for all his wickedness.


pre 8 meseci

They don't want such terrorists in there own country. Who would?
(Betsy Lalich, 14 October 2023 14:52)
Most Americans are ignorant and backwards and your no exception. You love to open your mouth and expel nonsense with little to no idea of history of how all this started nor do you understand how this enclave called Gaza came about.


pre 8 meseci

Marko Blazic, having no credentials, is not a reliable source of information. Even in Serbia, he is not recognized as an authority on war reporting.


pre 8 meseci

The Palestinians will fight to the last because they have nothing to lose and that's a very dangerous adversary.
(sj, 14 October 2023 05:46)
While the US has sent reserves of ammunition and equipment meant for Israel for such an occasion over to Ukraine to be destroyed.
How long can Israel lasts? Muslims world is not likely going to leave Hamas on their own. I imagine this was done with planning and approval.
While US is fighting in Ukraine and having their weapons destroyed now they have to come up with new weapons for Israel and send troops too.
Someone hasn't thought this through all the way.

Betsy Lalich

pre 7 meseci

So Peggy,

According to you, the Nazis should have been allowed to win, because they were so organized, with plenty of friends.


pre 8 meseci

The Palestinians will fight to the last because they have nothing to lose and that's a very dangerous adversary.
(sj, 14 October 2023 05:46)
While the US has sent reserves of ammunition and equipment meant for Israel for such an occasion over to Ukraine to be destroyed.
How long can Israel lasts? Muslims world is not likely going to leave Hamas on their own. I imagine this was done with planning and approval.
While US is fighting in Ukraine and having their weapons destroyed now they have to come up with new weapons for Israel and send troops too.
Someone hasn't thought this through all the way.


pre 7 meseci

(Peggy, 16 October 2023 04:54)

Unfortunately, the Americans live in a world of their own. They actually believe that Russian economy is on equal footing with Italy when in fact its equal to or even larger than Japan. The Russian economy is growing between 2.8% and 3% this year while the growth in the Australian economy is 1.3%. Even the US and EU growth rates are less than Russia.
The US has horribly miscalculated in Ukraine and it’s very possible that both Israel and US have done the same here – western hubris is to blame. Both Israel and US have been caught completely off guard with Hamas attacking Israel.
Yes, US weapons are burning nicely in Ukraine plus the weaponry is old – they don’t have new weapons, but the entire military industrial complex (MIC) in the US is in private hands and it takes years to manufacture new weapons. The factories are designed for a certain output and anything more requires investment to expand and this would take years to complete.
The US does not have the military to carry out such an activity. Despite being downsized for years today it has difficulty filling vacancies in their ranks. The US has a budget of $870 billion but the vast majority goes to the MICs not actual US military.
The two battle groups sent by the US are mostly for show and, yes, the Muslim world will side with Hamas.

Tom Sawyer

pre 7 meseci

Absolutely trained, funded by Iran.
(Betsy Lalich, 14 October 2023 14:52)

Liar. Betsy you have revealed yourself to be nothing but an evil American liar.
Yitzhak Rabin(was also prime minister like Bibi) revealed that “Supporting and creating Hamas was Israel's fatal mistake."
The USA and Israel, who wanted a radical opposition to Yaser Arafat and the PLO, created and funded Hamas.
How many decapitated baby lies have you spread today?
Betsy, have you no shame for yourself?
Shouldn’t you at least atone and apologize when your blatant lies are exposed?
Please stop calling yourself a Serb or relating your self to any Serb. You and your lies are shameful and purely American. You are not a Serb, at least until you apologize for your blatant lies.

Tom Sawyer

pre 7 meseci

Since Betsy is proud of her beloved USA and their purported “truth and democracy” that they insist on delivering through bombs and guns to the rest of the free world, I suggest we acknowledge Betsy Lalich with a new title: Betsy-Beheaded-Babies Lalich.

We can prove that it was Betsy who wrote about the Palestinians:
“decapitating infants in front of their soon to be murdered mothers”
(Betsy Lalich, 12 October 2023 09:57).

This lie has been exposed as another Israeli/American lie in an infinite universe of their lies that have ruined the world over the last seven decades.
Yes, the masks are finally falling off the lying likes of Betsy-Beheaded-Babies Lalich.
I look forward to continuing to expose the lies of this evil person.