“U.S. supports Serbia’s EU integration”

Serbia's Ambassador to U.S. Vladimir Petrović has stated that the U.S. supports Serbia's EU integration process.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 30.12.2010.


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Serbia's Ambassador to U.S. Vladimir Petrovic has stated that the U.S. supports Serbia's EU integration process. He added that this had already been stated by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her visit to Belgrade. “U.S. supports Serbia’s EU integration” "The military cooperation between the two countries is excellent, and the cooperation between security services and police departments is at a high level. Moreover, Serbia and the U.S. have realized a joint police action in which great amount of drugs was confiscated in South America,” he told Voice of America (VOA). The Serbian ambassador underscored that no drop was recorded in the level of economic cooperation and goods exchange between Serbia and the U.S. in spite of the economic crisis. “The U.S. companies and investors in Serbia are still in the country, and as far as I know, their business has even expanded,” he said, taking an example of the U.S. Steel which has realized certain investments and broadened its production, adding that this steel producer made up almost five percent of Serbia's export. As for the report by Council of Europe (CoE) Special Rapporteur Dick Marty linking Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci to illegal arms and organ trafficking in Kosovo in 1999, Petrovic said that it was a fact that Serbia had claimed for years that it had certain information about these crimes and that the media in Serbia had reported about the notorious “yellow house”. He added that following Marty's report, the case had been given a lot of space in the U.S. media including CNN, FOX, and all other important TV stations and papers. “The U.S. would like to see the case resolved. Serbia insists on a detailed investigation in which all facts would be revealed and the culprits brought to justice. These are very serious allegations about hideous crimes that the world has never seen, let alone the very heart of Europe,” the ambassador underlined. Commenting the case of the Nastic family, who lost custody of their children due to the alleged child abuse, he said that Serbia insisted to be presented with the details about the circumstances which made the U.S. reach such a decision. “We do not want to interfere in the court proceeding, but we want to see the case urgently resolved and to be given the reasons why the children were taken from their parents,” Petrovic said, adding that pressure in this sense was being made as of recently through the Serbian Caucus and the Congress.

“U.S. supports Serbia’s EU integration”

"The military cooperation between the two countries is excellent, and the cooperation between security services and police departments is at a high level. Moreover, Serbia and the U.S. have realized a joint police action in which great amount of drugs was confiscated in South America,” he told Voice of America (VOA).

The Serbian ambassador underscored that no drop was recorded in the level of economic cooperation and goods exchange between Serbia and the U.S. in spite of the economic crisis.

“The U.S. companies and investors in Serbia are still in the country, and as far as I know, their business has even expanded,” he said, taking an example of the U.S. Steel which has realized certain investments and broadened its production, adding that this steel producer made up almost five percent of Serbia's export.

As for the report by Council of Europe (CoE) Special Rapporteur Dick Marty linking Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci to illegal arms and organ trafficking in Kosovo in 1999, Petrović said that it was a fact that Serbia had claimed for years that it had certain information about these crimes and that the media in Serbia had reported about the notorious “yellow house”. He added that following Marty's report, the case had been given a lot of space in the U.S. media including CNN, FOX, and all other important TV stations and papers.

“The U.S. would like to see the case resolved. Serbia insists on a detailed investigation in which all facts would be revealed and the culprits brought to justice. These are very serious allegations about hideous crimes that the world has never seen, let alone the very heart of Europe,” the ambassador underlined.

Commenting the case of the Nastić family, who lost custody of their children due to the alleged child abuse, he said that Serbia insisted to be presented with the details about the circumstances which made the U.S. reach such a decision.

“We do not want to interfere in the court proceeding, but we want to see the case urgently resolved and to be given the reasons why the children were taken from their parents,” Petrović said, adding that pressure in this sense was being made as of recently through the Serbian Caucus and the Congress.

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