“Supervised independence better than partition”

A Kosovo Serb leader says that supervised independence is a better solution for Kosovo than a partition.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 14.08.2007.


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“Supervised independence better than partition”

He told Novi Sad's daily that a supervised independence would leave the chance of Serbia, “once it got stronger, and entered the European Union, to regain its influence in the province.”

“If a partition occurs, we are not only building walls, but conflict can also arise, and many people could be victims. And it should not be forgotten that the south of Serbia is controlled by Albanians and that any talks of dividing up land could end catastrophically,” Trajković said.

He also criticized the Serbian Government, stating that Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica “does not know what he wants” for Kosovo.

“In order to take the initiative and help Russia, Serbia has to have a flexible platform, even if it means having ties with Kosovo only 'by a fine thread',” Trajković said.

He added that Kosovo today, not only politically and militarily, but economically as well, is far removed from Serbia.

“I am afraid that the entire Serbian strategy for the defense of Kosovo is based on the ideas of cabinet politicians who are looking to avoid responsibility for being in government at the worst time possible,” Trajković said.

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