German "Bild": Ukraine intends to attack Zaporizhzhia and Luhansk

German "Bild" announced, citing an unnamed NATO official, that Ukraine intends to attack Zaporizhzhia and Luhansk.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 22.03.2023.


Tanjug/AP PHOTO/Sasa Radic

German "Bild": Ukraine intends to attack Zaporizhzhia and Luhansk

The same source told the German newspaper that the Western allies are already sending Ukraine everything it needs for those attacks, which are supposed to create a "land bridge" to Crimea.

Citing a senior NATO official, Bild writes that Alliance analysts have concluded that the "peak" of the conflict is expected in the spring or summer, and that the West is convinced of Ukraine's success since the weapons for that major offensive will be in Ukraine in May.

"The next six months will be a crucial period for the war, not only for Ukraine but also for its allies," said the source.

Refusing to provide more details because of the action being planned, the NATO official only specified that the strike would focus on Zaporizhzhia, home to the largest Russian-controlled nuclear power plant in Europe, and the Luhansk region.

"The main goal of the offensive will be to secure a 'land bridge' to Crimea," that NATO official told Bild, as quoted by Russia Today.

However, as further stated, NATO does not exclude the possibility of Ukraine trying to conquer Crimea, which was annexed by the Russians back in 2014.

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