EU, B92 Fund, Novak Djokovic Foundation repair kindergarten

With the financial help of the EU, the B92 Fund and the Novak Djokovic Foundation, a kindergarten in Svijalnac has been repaired and reopened on Wednesday.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 19.02.2015.


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EU, B92 Fund, Novak Djokovic Foundation repair kindergarten

The opening ceremony on Wednesday was attended by EP Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister and EU ambassador to Serbia Michael Davenport.

The flooding had destroyed rooms and playrooms for children, and the kitchen and the administrative offices of the preschool institution's largest building.
After the reconstruction, about 450 children from Svilajnac now once again receive adequate conditions for play and learning.

David McAllister said at the opening that he wanted to see the progress was made in Serbia after the catastrophic floods.

He added that after visiting Svilajnac he can tell his colleagues in the European Parliament that the money earmarked for reconstruction was well spent, and noted that the European Union since the beginning of the floods showed solidarity with Serbia.
Michael Davenport said he was particularly grateful for the cooperation of the EU with two private foundations, run by B92 and Novak Djokovic.

"We will continue with efforts in eliminating the consequences of the floods in the coming period, most attention will be devoted to preventive measures so that such a disaster does not happen again," said Davenport.

Mayor of Svilajnac Predrag Milanovic said he was grateful for the donations.

"I am very pleased that we have finally managed to finish all the work in rebuilding the kindergarten, with the help of numerous donors, because now the children and teachers again have a quality facility for work and play," said Milanovic.
Chairman of the B92 Fund Board of Directors Veran Matic said at the opening ceremony said that Svilajnac once again has a kindergarten it can be proud of.

"There has been a lot of effort and hard work over the past nine months, but with the great help of good people, institutions and companies, Svilajnac again has a kindergarten it can be proud of," said Veran Matic.

"The reconstruction of the kindergarten in Svilajnac is a real positive example of a quick reaction of the local government, which immediately produced the necessary documentation and estimated costs before the state commission did, the B92 Fund and the Novak Djokovic Foundation who at the same speed started the fund-raising, and the European Commission which decided to participate with a large donation," he said, and added:

"A number of events organized by the B92 Fund independently or with partners, have enabled the works to start immediately and be implemented in stages as funds flowed in. This is a true model of public-private partnerships, big partners, but also a large number of citizens who through their efforts and donations acted in solidarity and participated."
After the floods in May last year, the European Union allocated about EUR 1.3 million to build 11 houses and repair 90 households, the Agriculture and Veterinary School, the Grammar School, the kindergarten, and also to support 42 micro and small enterprises and 600 farmers in Svilajnac.

The municipality presented the EU ambassador with a letter of thanks for all the support it received after the floods.

McAllister and Davenport also visited a family of four, Kokovics, who received a new 64sq-meter home funded by the EU after their house was destroyed in the floods.

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