Japanese government makes another donation

The government of Japan will donate almost EUR 150,000 worth of equipment to the Mionica health center and to the Morava public utility company in Svilajnac.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 18.03.2015.


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Japanese government makes another donation

To the Mionica health center, the Japanese government will donate an ambulance and medical equipment worth EUR 77,918, with a machine worth EUR 70,490 provided to the Morava company.

The signing of the agreement in the Serbian government building was also attended by the state secretary at the Ministry of Health, Vladimir Djukic, who thanked for the donation and noted that the total assistance provided by Japan to Serbia since 1999 amounts to over EUR 460 million.

Japanese Ambassador Masafumi Kuroki said that the government of Japan will continue to assist Serbia in the hope that the friendship between the two nations will be strengthened even further.

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