Vucic: "Kosovo deal is crucial"

Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic said in a meeting with delegation of German Bundestag that Serb-Albanian agreement was of crucial importance for both sides.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 28.08.2018.



Vucic: "Kosovo deal is crucial"

Wadephul, a member of the Bundestag, said he had great confidence in Serbia's integration process, he applauded the readiness of Belgrade and Pristina to continue the dialogue, but he also emphasized Chancellor Merkel's firm stance about being against changing borders.

Vucic pointed out that Serbia had chosen to work on a compromise for Kosovo and Metohija, for the sake of peaceful future for both the country and the region, and which would, at the same time, protect state and national interests.

Vucic said he was glad that Serbia and Germany had the best relations ever in history characterised by great mutual trust. This fact was mirrored in the significant development of economic cooperation and increase in German investments, noted Vucic.

Vucic emphasized the importance of the Berlin process, initiated by Chancellor Merkel, for peace and stability in the Western Balkans, said the official statement by the Press Service of the President of the Republic of Serbia.

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