Vučić: You shoot at us, and you wonder why we don't participate; It won't be possible

After Serbian Armed Forces "Granite 2023" presentation, President Vučić, spoke about Kosovo and Metohija, the elections and the statement of the EU Spokesperson

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 22.04.2023.


Vučić: You shoot at us, and you wonder why we don't participate; It won't be possible

Vučić: You shoot at us, and you wonder why we don't participate; It won't be possible

After the demonstration of the capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces "Granite 2023", the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, spoke about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the elections and the statement of the EU spokesperson.

As he says, he is surprised by the statement of the Spokesperson of the European Commission, Peter Stano, in which he says that he is disappointed because the Serbs do not want to participate in the elections.

"I was surprised today when I heard Stano's statement. I will try to explain one more time, so that people are not misled. We have so far participated in four or five different election cycles organized by the Pristina authorities. And we should not have participated in any until the CSM is formed, or exactly in one after which it would be clear which Serbian municipalities are, even though we have already defined them. Ten years later, and it is not only Pristina's fault, but the European Union, which is the guarantor of the implementation of the Brussels agreement. They signed it, Catherine Ashton put her signature there. They didn't put it into practice. And the Serbs, after 9 and a half years of shooting and bullying say we won't participate until we implement what you signed," he said.

"I call on the Serbs to disappoint them even more, to see that they cannot trample on us. You gave them visa liberalization, you gave them the Council of Europe, now also the elections, that Albin Kurti himself manages the Serbian municipalities, well, he won't be able to", concluded Vučić.

"We are in a difficult situation, but that is what our people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija decided. Tomorrow, our people will look at those who decide on their government in peace, but with disdain. After that, there will be a complete occupation," said Vučić.

"Tomorrow, our people will calmly, responsibly and with disdain look at those who will be dragged from South Mitrovica to elect the government in North Mitrovica, Zvečan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic. After that, there will be a complete occupation that our people are used to. We will pay their salaries, to help them and to wait for better times in which the UN Charter and international public law will come into force," said Vučić.

Vučić pointed out that he is not sure why he would go to in Brussels within the EU-mediated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

"I won't ask for anything anymore, because everything they promised, they lied about. That's why I don't have a problem telling them, shame on you. You shoot at our people, and you say you're disappointed that we don't participate in the elections. I mean I ask EU spokesman; "Aren't you at least a little bit ashamed," said Vučić.

"We will do our best to preserve peace, and the situation in the entire region is very complex. I can't say more than that," said Vučić, answering a journalist's question about the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija.

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