EC calls for improvement of position of Roma

The European Commission (EC) has requested an urgent action in order to improve Roma social and economic situation on both European and national levels.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 07.04.2011.


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The European Commission (EC) has requested an urgent action in order to improve Roma social and economic situation on both European and national levels. Bearing in mind that Roma communities have different positions in various EU member states, four common goals of national strategies have been determined – education, employment, health care and housing, Deutsche Welle has reported. EC calls for improvement of position of Roma “By working on those four primary goals we are setting common guidelines for national strategies for the integration of Roma,” said EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding. “Each EU member state, with respect to specific situation of Roma community in the country, will have to specifically direct its programs and determine necessary funds,” she pointed out. EU member states have until the end of this year to lay down an integration strategy, the implementation of which would be examined annually by the commission. “Solving Roma population’s problems and existence of appropriate national programs is important for the Balkan countries as well,” the EU justice commissioner stressed. Roma children in the streets of Belgrade (Aleksandar Andjelkovic) Between 10 and 12 million Roma live in Europe It is estimated that about 50,000 Roma live in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 40,000 in Croatia and 600,000 in Serbia, Deutsche Welle has reported. Between 10 and 12 million Roma live in Europe, about six million in the EU member states and about five million in other European countries. Just 42 percent of Roma children finish their education. That compares with an average of 97 percent for all children. Reding said if Roma children had more access to education, they would have a better chance on the job market. Roma children mortality rate is at least five times higher when compared to the rest of the European population, due to poor living conditions and lack of health care. Roma average life expectancy is ten years shorter than the European average.

EC calls for improvement of position of Roma

“By working on those four primary goals we are setting common guidelines for national strategies for the integration of Roma,” said EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding.

“Each EU member state, with respect to specific situation of Roma community in the country, will have to specifically direct its programs and determine necessary funds,” she pointed out.

EU member states have until the end of this year to lay down an integration strategy, the implementation of which would be examined annually by the commission.

“Solving Roma population’s problems and existence of appropriate national programs is important for the Balkan countries as well,” the EU justice commissioner stressed.

Between 10 and 12 million Roma live in Europe

It is estimated that about 50,000 Roma live in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 40,000 in Croatia and 600,000 in Serbia, Deutsche Welle has reported.

Between 10 and 12 million Roma live in Europe, about six million in the EU member states and about five million in other European countries.

Just 42 percent of Roma children finish their education. That compares with an average of 97 percent for all children. Reding said if Roma children had more access to education, they would have a better chance on the job market.

Roma children mortality rate is at least five times higher when compared to the rest of the European population, due to poor living conditions and lack of health care. Roma average life expectancy is ten years shorter than the European average.

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