Palau recognizes Kosovo

The Pacific island nation of Palau has today recognized Kosovo, Kosovo Albanian authorities have announced.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 09.03.2009.


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The Pacific island nation of Palau has today recognized Kosovo, Kosovo Albanian authorities have announced. "Today, at the Kosovo embassy in Washington, charge d'affairs Avni Spahiju was given a letter by President of the Republic of Palau Johnson Toribiong that confirms that this state has recognized the independence of Kosovo," Pristina's foreign affairs ministry said in a statement on Monday. Palau recognizes Kosovo The statement also says that President Toribiong, who is visiting the United States, has thus answered positively to Kosovo President Fatmir Sjediu's request. Palau is located about 500 kilometers from Indonesia, in the Pacific Ocean. It has a population of some 20,000 people and before it gained independence in 1994 it was a UN trusteeship administered by the United States. It is the 56th state that has recognized the Kosovo Albanian unilateral declaration of independence, made in February 2008. Serbia rejects that proclamation, and considers it illegal.

Palau recognizes Kosovo

The statement also says that President Toribiong, who is visiting the United States, has thus answered positively to Kosovo President Fatmir Sjediu's request.

Palau is located about 500 kilometers from Indonesia, in the Pacific Ocean. It has a population of some 20,000 people and before it gained independence in 1994 it was a UN trusteeship administered by the United States.

It is the 56th state that has recognized the Kosovo Albanian unilateral declaration of independence, made in February 2008.

Serbia rejects that proclamation, and considers it illegal.

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