NATO: Kosovo's army is "internal matter"

NATO is not the one to decide on the structure, mandate and mission of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF), an unnamed NATO source has been quoted by a daily.

Izvor: Danas

Wednesday, 30.09.2015.


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(Beta/AP, file)

NATO: Kosovo's army is "internal matter"

Kosovo's Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci said in New York on Tuesday that Kosovo was ready to set up the armed forces and had received NATO's consent for this, adding adding that this now "requires the consent of the Assembly of Kosovo."

However, the NATO source has been quoted as saying that the organization "currently supports the development of the KSF within its original mission and mandate through the NATO Liaison and Advisory Team."

"Should the mandate and the mission of the force evolve, the North Atlantic Council will have to assess the level of NATO's engagement," the paper was told.

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