Kurti says he believes he will be new Kosovo PM

Albin Kurti, one of the founders of the ultra-right Self-Determination Movement, says he believes he will be the next prime minister of Kosovo.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 14.06.2017.


Kurti says he believes he will be new Kosovo PM
Albin Kurti (Tanjug, file)

Kurti says he believes he will be new Kosovo PM

"In essence, we are not against the talks, but it is important to adhere to certain principles. In parallel we want to start the talks with Kosovo Serbs about their role in Kosovo society as doctors, students, taxi drivers, carpenters, unemployed men and women," said the former leader of the Self-Determination Movement, a party that participated in the June 11 elections alone, and ended up in second place.

Kurti observed that "not all Serbs are the same, just as not all Albanians are the same."

"We want to cooperate with Serbs and talk about development, history and reconciliation," he said.

Kurti also thinks "Belgrade must face up its past" and "repent for the crimes committed in the past."

"It is important that Mr. Vucic accepts this topic and it is not enough to say 'I am not the Vucic from 1988'," when - according to Kurti - Vucic served as "minister of information under the Milosevic regime."

Asked whether he would support the work of the specialist court for war crimes committed by the KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army"), Kurti said that "a Kosovo court must deal with this issue" and that he "does not believe in the success of a court headed by foreign judges."

"We ourselves must be the carriers and initiators of justice for people here. Justice cannot be imported," said Kurti.

He also revealed that he finds "crimes committed in peacetime, especially in the economic field" to be "more important" than war crimes.

Kurti said that, should he form the next government, its priorities will include "economic development, the fight against organized crime and corruption, and reform of the justice system, for which Pristina has EU's support."

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