Opposition angry over Assembly's brief first sitting

Serbian National Assembly President Maja Gojkovic has announced a break in Wednesday's first sitting of the spring session shortly after it began.

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 01.03.2017.


Opposition angry over Assembly's brief first sitting
(Beta, file)

Opposition angry over Assembly's brief first sitting

She did not say how long the break would last.

Opposition members of the Assembly ("people's deputies") were vocal in their criticism of the move, describing it as "a farce" and "an introduction into electoral theft."

Later in the day, Gojkovic clarified that today's break was in fact a recess in the session, which she said would resume "after the presidential elections have been held."

In the evening, she told state broadcaster RTS:

"I scheduled the sitting, it started. The opposition showed they have no program, they are united in their hatred toward PM Vucic and they would use the parliament for those purposes, not discuss laws. We'll see how citizens will decide on that in the elections."

Several agreements have made it to the agenda of the first sitting, that started earlier in the day with a ceremony at the Assembly.

The resignation of Ombudsman Sasa Jankovic, who has decided to run for president, is also on the agenda.

Asked about the speculation that Jankovic will not be able to participate in the elections as his resignation will not have been confirmed by the Assembly in time, Gojkovic said:

"It's up to Jankovic to think about the political moves that he's making."

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