Drašković: Serbia in EU, without Kosovo

Serb Renewal Movement (SPO) Leader Vuk Drašković says that Serbia will enter the EU without Kosovo.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 23.10.2008.


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Serb Renewal Movement (SPO) Leader Vuk Draskovic says that Serbia will enter the EU without Kosovo. Draskovic told Belgrade daily Politika that the “SAA [Stabilization and Association Agreement] cannot be applied to Kosovo, since Serbia’s not there.” Draskovic: Serbia in EU, without Kosovo "While I was foreign minister and the chief of the negotiating team with the EU, we started negotiations on the SAA. We signed that document without Kosovo, and it does not apply to Kosovo,” the SPO leader said. He said that the state had no control over the province, adding that, when the decision came to accept Serbia into the EU, it would certainly not be done with Kosovo. He reiterated that he advocated a formula of “more than autonomy, less than independence,” or “One Serbia – two systems. "One country-two systems is the formula we can still fight for. The EU has solved situations like ours in a special manner,” Draskovic said, giving Tirol, Cyprus, and the Oland Islands as examples. Vuk Draskovic (FoNet, archive)

Drašković: Serbia in EU, without Kosovo

"While I was foreign minister and the chief of the negotiating team with the EU, we started negotiations on the SAA. We signed that document without Kosovo, and it does not apply to Kosovo,” the SPO leader said.

He said that the state had no control over the province, adding that, when the decision came to accept Serbia into the EU, it would certainly not be done with Kosovo.

He reiterated that he advocated a formula of “more than autonomy, less than independence,” or “One Serbia – two systems.

"One country-two systems is the formula we can still fight for. The EU has solved situations like ours in a special manner,” Drašković said, giving Tirol, Cyprus, and the Oland Islands as examples.

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