Sarkozy commends progress in Kosovo

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has praised Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu for "progress" made since the unilateral independence declaration 18 months ago.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 23.06.2009.


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French President Nicolas Sarkozy has praised Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu for "progress" made since the unilateral independence declaration 18 months ago. In a letter handed to the Kosovo president by French Ambassador to Kosovo Delphine Boiron, Sarkozy states that Kosovo"has been able to affirm its existence" since the proclamation. Sarkozy commends progress in Kosovo “In the year and a half since declaring independence, your country has been able to affirm itself on the international scene and the irreversible nature of its existence has impressed everyone,” the letter states, adding that the latest recognitions of Kosovo and the province’s admission to international financial institutions “demonstrates the dynamic process that Kosovo is committed to.” “You have taken it upon yourselves to administer delicate reforms needed to consolidate democracy and the rule of law in Kosovo, with full respect for European values. You have given a personal contribution to the goal of according a deserved place to the different communities that make up Kosovo and thus helped regional stability,” the letter adds. Nicolas Sarkozy (FoNet, archive)

Sarkozy commends progress in Kosovo

“In the year and a half since declaring independence, your country has been able to affirm itself on the international scene and the irreversible nature of its existence has impressed everyone,” the letter states, adding that the latest recognitions of Kosovo and the province’s admission to international financial institutions “demonstrates the dynamic process that Kosovo is committed to.”

“You have taken it upon yourselves to administer delicate reforms needed to consolidate democracy and the rule of law in Kosovo, with full respect for European values. You have given a personal contribution to the goal of according a deserved place to the different communities that make up Kosovo and thus helped regional stability,” the letter adds.

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