Northern Kosovo Serbs "won't implement deal"

Officials of northern Kosovo Serbs said on Friday they were unhappy with the proposed agreement between Belgrade and Priština, <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">initialed in Brussels.</a>

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 19.04.2013.


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KOSOVSKA MITROVICA Officials of northern Kosovo Serbs said on Friday they were unhappy with the proposed agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, initialed in Brussels. They stated that they would not accept Kosovo institutions in northern Kosovo and that they would meet in Kosovska Mitrovica on Monday to decide on forming a Northern Kosovo Assembly. Northern Kosovo Serbs "won't implement deal" Deputy Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Krstimir Pantic told a news conference in Zvecan they were "unable to obtain a copy of the proposed agreement , but that they had seen the document showed by the Albanians." The agreement is unacceptable because it places the police and judiciary under the Kosovo law and without any connection with Serbian institutions, which is Serbia's definite withdrawal from the territory, he noted. "We will consult our people on future steps and if their mood is such, and I am certain it is, we will continue fighting and will not allow this, just like the previous agreements, to be implemented out in the field," Pantic stated. He called on the people to remain calm and follow the local authorities, not give in to emotions and stay as brave as they had been in the past 14 years, and he invited Serbia's Prime Minister Ivica Dacic to visit Kosovo and explain to the people the agreement from Brussels. "We maintain that we will not allow the agreement to be implemented. There will be a large Serb rally in Kosovska Mitrovica at noon on Monday, where we will decide on forming a Northern Kosovo Assembly," Pantic said. All the presidents of the northern Kosovo municipalities and their assemblies were present at the news conference, along with the head of the Kosovska Mitrovica District, Serb Progressive Party (SNS) member of the parliament Bojan Jakovljevic, and Kosovska Mitrovica Hospital Director Milan Ivanovic. Tanjug

Northern Kosovo Serbs "won't implement deal"

Deputy Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Krstimir Pantić told a news conference in Zvečan they were "unable to obtain a copy of the proposed agreement

, but that they had seen the document showed by the Albanians."

The agreement is unacceptable because it places the police and judiciary under the Kosovo law and without any connection with Serbian institutions, which is Serbia's definite withdrawal from the territory, he noted.

"We will consult our people on future steps and if their mood is such, and I am certain it is, we will continue fighting and will not allow this, just like the previous agreements, to be implemented out in the field," Pantić stated.

He called on the people to remain calm and follow the local authorities, not give in to emotions and stay as brave as they had been in the past 14 years, and he invited Serbia's Prime Minister Ivica Dačić to visit Kosovo and explain to the people the agreement from Brussels.

"We maintain that we will not allow the agreement to be implemented. There will be a large Serb rally in Kosovska Mitrovica at noon on Monday, where we will decide on forming a Northern Kosovo Assembly," Pantić said.

All the presidents of the northern Kosovo municipalities and their assemblies were present at the news conference, along with the head of the Kosovska Mitrovica District, Serb Progressive Party (SNS) member of the parliament Bojan Jakovljević, and Kosovska Mitrovica Hospital Director Milan Ivanović.

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