“Thaci accusations baseless, slanderous”

The Kosovo Albanian government says the CoE report, which states Prime Minister Hashim Thaci headed a criminal organization, is “baseless and slanderous”.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 15.12.2010.


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The Kosovo Albanian government says the CoE report, which states Prime Minister Hashim Thaci headed a criminal organization, is “baseless and slanderous”. According to CoE investigator Dick Marty's report, which is yet to be made public, Thaci was the leader of a criminal group which was trafficking human organs, drugs and weapons in Kosovo after the war in 1999. “Thaci accusations baseless, slanderous” “Allegations published in The Guardian were investigated by local and international judicial organs several times and it was determined in all cases that such claims were baseless,” the announcement reads. "It is unacceptable for Thaci’s government that a member of CoE Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) is making defamatory statements," said Thaci's outgoing government. “It is clear that somebody wants to embarrass Prime Minister Hashim Thaci after parliamentary elections in which he was given clear and massive support by the citizens to continue his program of development and governing our country,” the statement said. Marty’s report is further described as “low and bizarre”, and as "coming from people without any moral credibility", while the document “can only bring benefit to certain circles that do not wish well to Kosovo and its citizens”. The government and Thaci have announced that they will take "all necessary measures - including legal and political", against the Swiss investigator, who made his name revealing CIA's illegal prisons in Europe. Now the government in Pristina is calling upon "all CoE member states to strongly protest against Marty’s report and not to take the side of those who want to prevent stability, progress and good governance in Kosovo at any cost”. Hashim Thaci (Beta, file) Jeremic: Thaci has no political future Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic reacted to the news by saying that Hashim Thaci’s future is uncertain following the draft CoE report linking him to a crime ring. "I don't know what sort of future this person has if you take into account the report about the investigation from the Council of Europe about his participation in the heroin trade, human trafficking and human organs and his role as the head of one of the most organized criminal-mafia clans in the Balkans," Reuters quoted the Serbian FM as saying.

“Thaci accusations baseless, slanderous”

“Allegations published in The Guardian were investigated by local and international judicial organs several times and it was determined in all cases that such claims were baseless,” the announcement reads.

"It is unacceptable for Thaci’s government that a member of CoE Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) is making defamatory statements," said Thaci's outgoing government.

“It is clear that somebody wants to embarrass Prime Minister Hashim Thaci after parliamentary elections in which he was given clear and massive support by the citizens to continue his program of development and governing our country,” the statement said.

Marty’s report is further described as “low and bizarre”, and as "coming from people without any moral credibility", while the document “can only bring benefit to certain circles that do not wish well to Kosovo and its citizens”.

The government and Thaci have announced that they will take "all necessary measures - including legal and political", against the Swiss investigator, who made his name revealing CIA's illegal prisons in Europe.

Now the government in Priština is calling upon "all CoE member states to strongly protest against Marty’s report and not to take the side of those who want to prevent stability, progress and good governance in Kosovo at any cost”.

Jeremić: Thaci has no political future

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić reacted to the news by saying that Hashim Thaci’s future is uncertain following the draft CoE report linking him to a crime ring.

"I don't know what sort of future this person has if you take into account the report about the investigation from the Council of Europe about his participation in the heroin trade, human trafficking and human organs and his role as the head of one of the most organized criminal-mafia clans in the Balkans," Reuters quoted the Serbian FM as saying.

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