“Top officials to determine minimum of requests soon”

Parliament's Committee on Kosovo Chairman Milovan Drecun says top officials will soon determine a minimum of powers requested for Serb municipalities in Kosovo.

Izvor: RTS

Sunday, 14.04.2013.


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BELGRADE Parliament's Committee on Kosovo Chairman Milovan Drecun says top officials will soon determine a minimum of powers requested for Serb municipalities in Kosovo. He told Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) that the dialogue’s sponsors requested from Belgrade to draft a list of a minimum of powers requested for a community of Serb municipalities and to present it to Pristina. “Top officials to determine minimum of requests soon” He added that numerous diplomatic activities were underway. “This is why we hope that Brussels and Washington will exert additional pressure once the top state officials have defined the minimum which is well-known, so Pristina will be ready for a compromise,” Drecun stressed. He stressed that Belgrade would insist that presence of Kosovo police is unacceptable in the community of Serb municipalities, on protection of Serbs’ property and on the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC). Drecun noted that the top officials would also define powers and jurisdiction of the police and judiciary. “We must not give up on this minimum and it is now up to Brussels to ‘soften’ Pristina’s position,“ he pointed out. Drecun added that “a strong pressure is exerted from all sides” to reach an agreement with Pristina. Milovan Drecun (Tanjug, file) RTS Tanjug

“Top officials to determine minimum of requests soon”

He added that numerous diplomatic activities were underway.

“This is why we hope that Brussels and Washington will exert additional pressure once the top state officials have defined the minimum which is well-known, so Priština will be ready for a compromise,” Drecun stressed.

He stressed that Belgrade would insist that presence of Kosovo police is unacceptable in the community of Serb municipalities, on protection of Serbs’ property and on the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC).

Drecun noted that the top officials would also define powers and jurisdiction of the police and judiciary.

“We must not give up on this minimum and it is now up to Brussels to ‘soften’ Priština’s position,“ he pointed out.

Drecun added that “a strong pressure is exerted from all sides” to reach an agreement with Priština.

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