Prosecutor wants parliament tapes

Serbia's public prosecutor will ask for the tapes showing NS leader and MP Velimir Ilić's remarks made in parliament, reports said.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 14.02.2009.


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Serbia's public prosecutor will ask for the tapes showing NS leader and MP Velimir Ilic's remarks made in parliament, reports said. Slobodan Radovanovic will make the request in order to determine whether Ilic's statements regarding Labor Minister Rasim Ljajic and the Statehood Day celebrations constitute a crime. Prosecutor wants parliament tapes Law professor Goran Ilic says that the crime in question could be that of causing racial and religious hatred or abuse of official position and powers to commit the same acts, which carries with it a jail term of one to eight years for those found guilty. On Feb. 12, Ilic told fellow MPs that he objected to Ljajic signing the invitations to the Orasac Statehood Day celebrations. "You are going to visit Karadjordje in Orasac, and Rasim Ljajic is sending out the invitations, he's my mate, kudos to him, but that is an insult to the dignity of this state, to Karadjordje, an insult to all that is Serb," he was quoted as saying. Ljajic is believed to have been mentioned in this context because he is a Muslim from Serbia's Sandzak region. Karadjordje was the leader of the Serb uprisings against the Turkish occupation in the early 19th century. The Statehood Day, held on a Serbian Orthodox Church holiday, marks the adoption of the first constitution that saw Serbia reemerge as a state. But Dubravka Filipovski, Ilic's deputy party leader, said that he never mentioned Ljajic's ethnicity or religion, but pointed to a breach of the protocol which stipulates that the Statehood Day invitations must be sent out by the country's president, "not by any minister". Filipovski also confirmed that Ilic was taken to hospital yesterday, and said his health deteriorated because of the pressure of the media coverage of the controversy.

Prosecutor wants parliament tapes

Law professor Goran Ilić says that the crime in question could be that of causing racial and religious hatred or abuse of official position and powers to commit the same acts, which carries with it a jail term of one to eight years for those found guilty.

On Feb. 12, Ilić told fellow MPs that he objected to Ljajić signing the invitations to the Orašac Statehood Day celebrations.

"You are going to visit Karađorđe in Orašac, and Rasim Ljajić is sending out the invitations, he's my mate, kudos to him, but that is an insult to the dignity of this state, to Karađorđe, an insult to all that is Serb," he was quoted as saying.

Ljajić is believed to have been mentioned in this context because he is a Muslim from Serbia's Sandžak region. Karađorđe was the leader of the Serb uprisings against the Turkish occupation in the early 19th century.

The Statehood Day, held on a Serbian Orthodox Church holiday, marks the adoption of the first constitution that saw Serbia reemerge as a state.

But Dubravka Filipovski, Ilić's deputy party leader, said that he never mentioned Ljajić's ethnicity or religion, but pointed to a breach of the protocol which stipulates that the Statehood Day invitations must be sent out by the country's president, "not by any minister".

Filipovski also confirmed that Ilić was taken to hospital yesterday, and said his health deteriorated because of the pressure of the media coverage of the controversy.

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