Greek position on Kosovo unchanged

Greece has stated that its position on Kosovo is well known and that it remains stable, Greek media have reported.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 10.09.2010.


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Greece has stated that its position on Kosovo is well known and that it remains stable, Greek media have reported. “We will continue to invest efforts, together with our European Union partners, aiming at the European integration of the region,” spokesman of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs Grigoris Delavekouras told a press conference. Greek position on Kosovo unchanged He said earlier that the draft resolution agreed on by Serbia and the EU is an important development of events that confirms the stance and efforts that Greece has invested in finding a solution for Kosovo that would be based on a consensus. Serbia's European path was confirmed once again, and that is a key element of the solution for Kosovo, Serbia and the region as a whole, said Delavekouras.

Greek position on Kosovo unchanged

He said earlier that the draft resolution agreed on by Serbia and the EU is an important development of events that confirms the stance and efforts that Greece has invested in finding a solution for Kosovo that would be based on a consensus.

Serbia's European path was confirmed once again, and that is a key element of the solution for Kosovo, Serbia and the region as a whole, said Delavekouras.

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