"The world at a historical turning point"

Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Manuel Grossi, pointed out that the world is facing a major historical turning point.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 26.09.2022.


Foto: Tanjug/AP Photo/Theresa Wey

"The world at a historical turning point"

Grossi, in a statement to Serbian journalists, said that the world is faced with many challenges, from the challenge of security of energy supply to the security of food supply.

"These are all problems and challenges where the IAEA, as an organization that makes science and high-tech achievements available to citizens, can contribute to overcoming them," Grossi said on the occasion of the UN agency's General Assembly in Vienna.

The Director General of the IAEA, who attended the opening of the exhibition on Nikola Tesla at the Vienna headquarters of the UN, pointed out that Tesla is one of the biggest names in the world, who is recognized as a great scientist, whose discoveries contributed to the modern economy.

Regarding cooperation with Serbia, Grossi announced that he plans to strengthen cooperation and announced that he plans to visit Belgrade.

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