Greece: Official killed in blast

Fire officers have been dealing with a bomb explosion in Greece, which killed a minister’s aide.

Izvor: EuroNews

Friday, 25.06.2010.


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Fire officers have been dealing with a bomb explosion in Greece, which killed a minister’s aide. No organisation has accepted responsibility for the blast. Greece: Official killed in blast It went off at the Athens offices of the police ministry, killing father of two, George Vassilakis. “These cowardly murders will be punished,” said minister, Michalis Chrysochoidis. “I have lost a loved and valuable colleague.” The minister was inside the building when the blast happened. He has a record of clamping down on millitants. In 2002, he dismantled November 17, Greece’s most lethal guerrilla group. Earlier this year, detectives arrested six suspected members of the country’s most militant organisation, Revolutionary Struggle.

Greece: Official killed in blast

It went off at the Athens offices of the police ministry, killing father of two, George Vassilakis.

“These cowardly murders will be punished,” said minister, Michalis Chrysochoidis.
“I have lost a loved and valuable colleague.”

The minister was inside the building when the blast happened. He has a record of clamping down on millitants.

In 2002, he dismantled November 17, Greece’s most lethal guerrilla group.

Earlier this year, detectives arrested six suspected members of the country’s most militant organisation, Revolutionary Struggle.

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