Vučić threatened with murder: The man who mentioned assassination got arrested

By order of the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, the special department for High-Tech Crime, a man who threatened Aleksandar Vučić was arrested.

Izvor: Novosti

Tuesday, 23.01.2024.


Vučić threatened with murder: The man who mentioned assassination got arrested
Foto: Profimedia

Vučić threatened with murder: The man who mentioned assassination got arrested

He threatened to kill Aleksandar Vucic on the X social network.

As reported by the media, it is about a network user with the initials O.S., who wrote on that social network the following: "An assassination, realistically, would be a blessing", commenting on the post "The entire program of the opposition can and must be reduced to one point: the arrest of Aleksandar Vučić".

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