Macron, Le Pen to square off in French presidential runoff

Centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen have won the most votes in Sunday's presidential elections in France.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 24.04.2017.


Macron, Le Pen to square off in French presidential runoff
Emmanuel Macron (Tanjug/AP)

Macron, Le Pen to square off in French presidential runoff

According to the final results announced by the French Interior Ministry, Macron won 23.75 percent in the first round, followed by Le Pen with 21.53 percent.

Conservative candidate Francois Fillon received 19.91, while left-wing candidate Jean Luc Melenchon got 19.94 percent.

Riots broke out in Paris after the first results were announced, when left-wing demonstrators, protesting against both top placed candidates, clashed with the police.

The turnout was about 70 percent.

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