Russian Duma adopts NGO “foreign agents” bill

The Russian Duma has adopted a controversial bill that labels foreign-funded non-governmental organizations as "foreign agents".

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 13.07.2012.


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MOSCOW The Russian Duma has adopted a controversial bill that labels foreign-funded non-governmental organizations as "foreign agents". The new law will introduce severe restrictions for all NGOs that are politically active. It is believed that one of the possible targets will be Golos election watchdog. Russian Duma adopts NGO “foreign agents” bill A “foreign agent” is an expression that was used as a synonym for a spy during the Cold War. The U.S.-funded Golos has revealed numerous violations of the election rules at the Russian parliamentary and presidential elections. Analysts believe the new law is a part of a wider campaign aimed at clamping down on revolt that followed President Vladimir Putin’s return to Kremlin in May. Golos has been under a lot of pressure since November when Putin accused the western governments of trying to interfere with the result of the parliamentary elections by funding Russian NGOs. Golos observers launched a website with thousands of pieces of evidence of the violation of the election rules across the country. According to the new law, all material distributed by such organizations and groups will be published with a warning that they are authored by “foreign agents”. The NGOs will also have to submit a detailed quarterly report on their activities. The law envisages fines of up to RUB 5mn (USD 153,000) for offenders. Persons who continue to work in the organizations that violated the law will get a RUB 300,000 (USD 9,000) fine or be sentenced to two years in prison. Human rights activists have strongly condemned the law, primarily the definition of “political activities”. According to the law, a group will be considered political if it intends to influence the public opinion or the government in any way. A view of the Russian Duma (Tanjug, file) Beta

Russian Duma adopts NGO “foreign agents” bill

A “foreign agent” is an expression that was used as a synonym for a spy during the Cold War. The U.S.-funded Golos has revealed numerous violations of the election rules at the Russian parliamentary and presidential elections.

Analysts believe the new law is a part of a wider campaign aimed at clamping down on revolt that followed President Vladimir Putin’s return to Kremlin in May.

Golos has been under a lot of pressure since November when Putin accused the western governments of trying to interfere with the result of the parliamentary elections by funding Russian NGOs.

Golos observers launched a website with thousands of pieces of evidence of the violation of the election rules across the country.

According to the new law, all material distributed by such organizations and groups will be published with a warning that they are authored by “foreign agents”.

The NGOs will also have to submit a detailed quarterly report on their activities.

The law envisages fines of up to RUB 5mn (USD 153,000) for offenders.

Persons who continue to work in the organizations that violated the law will get a RUB 300,000 (USD 9,000) fine or be sentenced to two years in prison.

Human rights activists have strongly condemned the law, primarily the definition of “political activities”. According to the law, a group will be considered political if it intends to influence the public opinion or the government in any way.

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