Darts or dance: "Balkan fight" in Vienna leaves 2 injured

A group of citizens of Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Serbia caused a serious incident in a cafe in Vienna over the weekend.

Izvor: index.hr

Tuesday, 26.09.2017.


Darts or dance:

Darts or dance: "Balkan fight" in Vienna leaves 2 injured

The drunken patrons - who are regulars at the establishment - first engaged in a loud argument, "unable to agree on whether the central area of the cafe would be used for dancing, or for playing darts."

This soon turned into a free-for-all fight, the report said.

The police in Vienna have confirmed that all the persons involved - seven men and three women - were drunk at the time, and that one woman was treated in the hospital for injuries to her face, while a man was also lightly hurt during the incident.

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