U.S. Senate committee backs Montenegro in NATO resolution

The U.S. Senate Foreign Affairs Committee has unanimously supported a resolution on the ratification of a protocol on Montenegro's' accession to NATO.

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 07.12.2016.


U.S. Senate committee backs Montenegro in NATO resolution

U.S. Senate committee backs Montenegro in NATO resolution

U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen urged the Senate to vote on the resolution as soon as possible, prior to the dissolution of Congress and the entry into office of the new administration, led by President Donald Trump, reports Voice of America.

Before the Committee's decision, Montenegrin Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovic said that the United States should ratify the protocol by the end of the week, because, as he said, "that job should not wait for the new administration."

Montenegro's accession process should be completed in the first half of next year, with a formal admission during a NATO summit.

Russia is against this and thinks that the country should hold a referendum on NATO membership. A part of the opposition also insists on a referendum.

The Montenegrin public meanwhile is divided on this issue. Despite the government's campaign, the support for the country's membership in NATO has never exceeded 50 percent.

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