Slovenia "wants apology for embassy"

Slovenian President Danilo Turk has written to his Serbian counterpart, asking for an "apology and reparations".

Izvor: B92

Friday, 22.02.2008.


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Slovenian President Danilo Turk has written to his Serbian counterpart, asking for an "apology and reparations". Turk sent a letter to President Boris Tadic, asking for reparations for the damages that the Slovenian embassy has incurred from attacks over the last several days, since the unilateral Kosovo independence declaration. Slovenia "wants apology for embassy" Turk said that “everything that needed to be said was said” in the letter. Turk strongly condemned the behavior which led to the destruction of the Slovenian embassy and the desecration of the nation symbols of Slovenia and symbols of the European Union. He said that he expects the Serbian government to take the necessary measures and to apologize for the damage, according to Slovenian media. Turk also said that with the adoption of the Slovenian government proposal for recognizing Kosovo independence, the process of recognition has begun and will head to the parliament.

Slovenia "wants apology for embassy"

Turk said that “everything that needed to be said was said” in the letter.

Turk strongly condemned the behavior which led to the destruction of the Slovenian embassy and the desecration of the nation symbols of Slovenia and symbols of the European Union.

He said that he expects the Serbian government to take the necessary measures and to apologize for the damage, according to Slovenian media.

Turk also said that with the adoption of the Slovenian government proposal for recognizing Kosovo independence, the process of recognition has begun and will head to the parliament.

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