Govt. to discuss accusation one of its members is drug boss

The Serbian government is yet to discuss the accusation made by opposition SRS party leader at the expense of minister and one of deputy PMs Rasim Ljajic.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 31.10.2018.


Govt. to discuss accusation one of its members is drug boss
The Serbian National Assembly in Belgrade (Tanjug, file)

Govt. to discuss accusation one of its members is drug boss

"Once we do discuss it, we will present our stance," she told Prva TV on Wednesday, asked to comment on the goings-on in the National Assembly on Tuesday, when the accusation was made - and what the government's position was.

Speaking about the atmosphere in the Assembly, Mihajlovic stressed that it needs to be "much more tolerant in every sense of the word."

During the Assembly session yesterday, Seselj accused Ljajic of being the leader of a narco cartel in Serbia, after which members of Ljajic's SDPS walked out.

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