"State of Kosovo" can't compete here - PM

Serbian PM Ana Brnabic says "the state of Kosovo" cannot participate in the European Karate Championship in Novi Sad while using "state symbols."

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 09.05.2018.


(Tanjug, file)

"State of Kosovo" can't compete here - PM

"Belgrade is absolutely not violating the Brussels agreement if it does not allow actions contrary to some of the most basic agreements, such as an agreement on official visits, which stipulates that an official notice should be sent 48 hours before entering central Serbia," Beta agency reported, citing a statement published on the government's website.

"When asked to comment on three people being prevented from crossing the administrative line (between Kosovo and central Serbia) with the flags and features of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo last night, she pointed out that they were persons who tried to enter the territory of central Serbia, because of which last night and this morning they were returned from the administrative crossing," the press release added.

The prime minister further assessed that Pristina institutions "completely abused the sport, and their political interests prevailed."

"The government of Serbia, together with the government of the AP (autonomous province) Vojvodina and the City of Novi Sad, worked very carefully on the organization of the European Karate Championship and our side has not wanted to give inflammatory statements in recent times, unlike Pristina," Brnabic is quoted as saying.

"The statements from Pristina were completely inaccurate - that their karate federation would appear equally with all other countries and symbols, which is impossible because they are not a state and therefore cannot function equally," she explained.

Brnabic said that Serbia wanted to, together with the European Karate Federation, create the conditions under which young people from Kosovo and Metohija could compete, and that she had "lots" of consultations with the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija and with Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic.

According to the prime minister, "several things happened over the past few days" that resulted in preventing athletes from Kosovo from participating in the event. Brnabic said that "representatives from Pristina did not respond to a meeting agreed on with presidents of the European and world karate federations, that is - Pristina representatives reported that they would not come, which is why they were not informed about the conditions under which they can take part in the championship."

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