Wednesday, 09.05.2018.


"State of Kosovo" can't compete here - PM

Serbian PM Ana Brnabic says "the state of Kosovo" cannot participate in the European Karate Championship in Novi Sad while using "state symbols."

Izvor: Beta

"State of Kosovo" can't compete here - PM IMAGE SOURCE

8 Komentari

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Smart Serb

pre 6 godina

First of all we are talking Karate not Judo. They are different just like a State and a Province.

Second of all, Kosovo* cant even feed its own children bread or even bacon and eggs. But yet they want to pay to go to a Karate tournament?

Third of all
Serbia doesn't let its Provinces compete unles it's under one flag.
The White Eagle flag.
Kosovo* has a black belt in Sh*t talking.


pre 6 godina

The joke of the day:
Serbian PM: The state of Kosovo cannot compete here.
Journalist: Why not?
Serbian PM: Because is not a state.
Journalist: But YOU said the state of Kosovo.
Serbian PM: Yes, but the state of Kosovo is not a state.
Journalist: If it is not a state, why are you calling it THE state.
Serbian PM: Because it is THE state, not a state.
Journalist: You are not making any sense.


pre 6 godina

Smart choice, Serbia. You know that in a fair competition you'd be beaten anyway:



pre 6 godina

Reply to Albanian trolls: Get a life...You are not going to change anyone's opinion about Kosovo being banana republic and non state...Your propaganda is beyond ridiculous and you are just making it worse...

Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin)

pre 6 godina

Why should Serbia be represented by a national and a provincial team? That is unfair. Only Serbia's national team should compete; that from its province of KiM should not.

The Count of Kosova

pre 6 godina

This is a simple case of fear on the part of Serbia, knowing the must face superior Judo athletes , including a world and Olympic champion, from the Republic of Kosova. The humiliation of losing to Kosova forced Serbia to act as cowards while the World watcherd.

Peter The Rocky Mountains

pre 6 godina

The Serb athletes would have been beaten down like rag dolls against the athletes of
The Republic Of Kosova!

No doubt!!!

Peter The Rocky Mountains

pre 6 godina

The Serb athletes would have been beaten down like rag dolls against the athletes of
The Republic Of Kosova!

No doubt!!!


pre 6 godina

The joke of the day:
Serbian PM: The state of Kosovo cannot compete here.
Journalist: Why not?
Serbian PM: Because is not a state.
Journalist: But YOU said the state of Kosovo.
Serbian PM: Yes, but the state of Kosovo is not a state.
Journalist: If it is not a state, why are you calling it THE state.
Serbian PM: Because it is THE state, not a state.
Journalist: You are not making any sense.

The Count of Kosova

pre 6 godina

This is a simple case of fear on the part of Serbia, knowing the must face superior Judo athletes , including a world and Olympic champion, from the Republic of Kosova. The humiliation of losing to Kosova forced Serbia to act as cowards while the World watcherd.


pre 6 godina

Reply to Albanian trolls: Get a life...You are not going to change anyone's opinion about Kosovo being banana republic and non state...Your propaganda is beyond ridiculous and you are just making it worse...


pre 6 godina

Smart choice, Serbia. You know that in a fair competition you'd be beaten anyway:


Smart Serb

pre 6 godina

First of all we are talking Karate not Judo. They are different just like a State and a Province.

Second of all, Kosovo* cant even feed its own children bread or even bacon and eggs. But yet they want to pay to go to a Karate tournament?

Third of all
Serbia doesn't let its Provinces compete unles it's under one flag.
The White Eagle flag.
Kosovo* has a black belt in Sh*t talking.

Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin)

pre 6 godina

Why should Serbia be represented by a national and a provincial team? That is unfair. Only Serbia's national team should compete; that from its province of KiM should not.

Peter The Rocky Mountains

pre 6 godina

The Serb athletes would have been beaten down like rag dolls against the athletes of
The Republic Of Kosova!

No doubt!!!

The Count of Kosova

pre 6 godina

This is a simple case of fear on the part of Serbia, knowing the must face superior Judo athletes , including a world and Olympic champion, from the Republic of Kosova. The humiliation of losing to Kosova forced Serbia to act as cowards while the World watcherd.

Smart Serb

pre 6 godina

First of all we are talking Karate not Judo. They are different just like a State and a Province.

Second of all, Kosovo* cant even feed its own children bread or even bacon and eggs. But yet they want to pay to go to a Karate tournament?

Third of all
Serbia doesn't let its Provinces compete unles it's under one flag.
The White Eagle flag.
Kosovo* has a black belt in Sh*t talking.

Tony (a Brit currently working in Berlin)

pre 6 godina

Why should Serbia be represented by a national and a provincial team? That is unfair. Only Serbia's national team should compete; that from its province of KiM should not.


pre 6 godina

Smart choice, Serbia. You know that in a fair competition you'd be beaten anyway:



pre 6 godina

Reply to Albanian trolls: Get a life...You are not going to change anyone's opinion about Kosovo being banana republic and non state...Your propaganda is beyond ridiculous and you are just making it worse...


pre 6 godina

The joke of the day:
Serbian PM: The state of Kosovo cannot compete here.
Journalist: Why not?
Serbian PM: Because is not a state.
Journalist: But YOU said the state of Kosovo.
Serbian PM: Yes, but the state of Kosovo is not a state.
Journalist: If it is not a state, why are you calling it THE state.
Serbian PM: Because it is THE state, not a state.
Journalist: You are not making any sense.