Priština: Sejdiu submits resignation

Fatmir Sejdiu today resigned from his post of Kosovo president.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 27.09.2010.


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Fatmir Sejdiu today resigned from his post of Kosovo president. Beta news agency reports that this came "after the constitutional court said he was in breach of the constitution by remaining at the helm of his party". Pristina: Sejdiu submits resignation The office will now temporarily be occupied by the president of the Kosovo assembly until its deputies elect a new president. Sejdiu was elected the first time in 2006 after the death of Ibrahim Rugova. This was his second term in office.

Priština: Sejdiu submits resignation

The office will now temporarily be occupied by the president of the Kosovo assembly until its deputies elect a new president.

Sejdiu was elected the first time in 2006 after the death of Ibrahim Rugova. This was his second term in office.

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