NGO head on RS referendum, Šešelj decision

Belgrade Center for Human Rights Director Vojin Dimitrijević says that action against Republic of Srpska President Milorad Dodik would only deepen the crisis.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 05.05.2011.


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Belgrade Center for Human Rights Director Vojin Dimitrijevic says that action against Republic of Srpska President Milorad Dodik would only deepen the crisis. He called the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which arose after the RS decision to call a referendum regarding some institutions in the country, a “game of nerves”. NGO head on RS referendum, Seselj decision He told B92 that High Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina Valentin Inzko had the Bonn powers and that he could relieve anybody of their duty, including Dodik, but that the RS president was more skilled and popular now and had better connections with Serbia. Dimitrijevic thinks that the referendum is only contrary to the Dayton Accords at a first glance because the agreement was written in 1995 and not a single Constitution is anymore implemented the way it was written due to different circumstances. According to him, the state must have judiciary and prosecution and every attempt to jeopardize central institutions with unilateral acts is dangerous, just as renewal of extreme nationalism is dangerous. Commenting on the Hague Tribunal’s decision to reject Vojislav Seselj’s acquittal request, Dimitrijevic said that instigation was a sensitive category and that it was not necessarily the same in Anglo-Saxon and domestic law. He stressed that the fact that investigation against Seselj lasted so many years showed the Hague Tribunal’s main flaw, bearing in mind that the Nuremberg trial had been finished in a year. The Belgrade Center for Human Rights director said that assessment that this was a “conviction before a conviction” was a consequence of misunderstanding since the trial had been adjourned in order for the judges to decide whether there was enough evidence to continue the trial. He stressed that judge Jean-Claude Antonetti felt strong sympathy for Seselj, who is representing himself, just like Slobodan Milosevic, and using the Hague Tribunal as a stage for future political actions. Vojin Dimitrijevic (FoNet, file)

NGO head on RS referendum, Šešelj decision

He told B92 that High Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina Valentin Inzko had the Bonn powers and that he could relieve anybody of their duty, including Dodik, but that the RS president was more skilled and popular now and had better connections with Serbia.

Dimitrijević thinks that the referendum is only contrary to the Dayton Accords at a first glance because the agreement was written in 1995 and not a single Constitution is anymore implemented the way it was written due to different circumstances.

According to him, the state must have judiciary and prosecution and every attempt to jeopardize central institutions with unilateral acts is dangerous, just as renewal of extreme nationalism is dangerous.

Commenting on the Hague Tribunal’s decision to reject Vojislav Šešelj’s acquittal request, Dimitrijević said that instigation was a sensitive category and that it was not necessarily the same in Anglo-Saxon and domestic law.

He stressed that the fact that investigation against Šešelj lasted so many years showed the Hague Tribunal’s main flaw, bearing in mind that the Nuremberg trial had been finished in a year.

The Belgrade Center for Human Rights director said that assessment that this was a “conviction before a conviction” was a consequence of misunderstanding since the trial had been adjourned in order for the judges to decide whether there was enough evidence to continue the trial.

He stressed that judge Jean-Claude Antonetti felt strong sympathy for Šešelj, who is representing himself, just like Slobodan Milošević, and using the Hague Tribunal as a stage for future political actions.

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