Papoulias reiterates backing over EU, Kosovo

Presidents of Greece and Serbia Karolos Papoulias and Boris Tadić met in Belgrade this Thursday.

Izvor: FoNet

Thursday, 02.07.2009.


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Presidents of Greece and Serbia Karolos Papoulias and Boris Tadic met in Belgrade this Thursday. They agreed that Serbia belongs in the European Union and that a solution to the issue of the status of Kosovo and Metohija has to be found within the framework of international law, reports say. Papoulias reiterates backing over EU, Kosovo After his meeting with Tadic, Papoulias said that Serbia should become a member of the European family within the shortest possible period and should gain the place that it rightfully deserves. Greece encourages acceleration of the visa regime liberalization process between Serbia and the EU, he said, and added that he expects this to be completed by the end of the year. In regards to Kosovo, Greece's stand is well known, said Papoulias, adding that his country had always been in favor of a mutually acceptable solution which would be based on international law, which would respect minority rights and would produce neither winners nor losers. The Greek president underscored that protection of the population and cultural monuments are the basic goals of Greece's participation in international missions in Kosovo. "On a number of occasions, my country has presented a stand that Serbia is the strategic partner and a key collocutor of Greece, and it is a country that should play a stabilizing role in the region," said Papoulias. Tadic thanked his Greek counterpart for his country's principled stance regarding Kosovo's status, underscoring that Serbia will never give up the province, "or the country's path to the EU". "The Greek stand is of an exceptional importance to Serbia. There are extreme political structures in Serbia, which would like to prove that the whole Europe is against Serbia's interests, but thanks to the countries such as Greece we may insist on Europe being our home," said Tadic. According to him, the condition of recognizing Kosovo Albanians' unilateral declaration of independence for the sake of EU membership is not being put before Belgrade by anyone. "I have confirmed to President Papoulias that we are continuing reforms that are bringing our country closer to EU membership, and that we will meet all our obligations toward the Hague Tribunal, because the defense of our country's integrity is based on international law," Tadic stated. The two presidents agreed that the presence of Greek companies in Serbia is of exceptional importance and mutual interest, and said the finalization of Corridor 10 had "priority significance". Papoulias also invited Tadic to visit Athens. Upon his arrival to Belgrade, where he will spend three days, the Greek president was greeted with a ceremony in front of the Palace of Serbia in New Belgrade. After his talks with Tadic, Papoulias was scheduled to meet with Belgrade Mayor Dragan Djilas, and then tour the University Village and visit Greek athletes who are competing in the Student Games under way in the Serbian capital. The Greek president will also visit a location in Belgrade, known as Nebojsa's Tower, where Greek revolutionary Rigas Feraios perished at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Later, Tadic will organize a dinner for his guest. Serbian and Greek delegations are also scheduled to meet today in the Palace of Serbia. On Friday, Papoulias and Serbian PM Mirko Cvetkovic will attend the opening of the Serb-Greek Forum. His meeting with Cvetkovic will be preceded by that with Serbian Parliament Speaker Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic. Also on Friday, Papoulias and Tadic will open the Center for the Hellenic Fund for Culture. Tadic, Papoulias in Belgrade today (Beta)

Papoulias reiterates backing over EU, Kosovo

After his meeting with Tadić, Papoulias said that Serbia should become a member of the European family within the shortest possible period and should gain the place that it rightfully deserves.

Greece encourages acceleration of the visa regime liberalization process between Serbia and the EU, he said, and added that he expects this to be completed by the end of the year.

In regards to Kosovo, Greece's stand is well known, said Papoulias, adding that his country had always been in favor of a mutually acceptable solution which would be based on international law, which would respect minority rights and would produce neither winners nor losers.

The Greek president underscored that protection of the population and cultural monuments are the basic goals of Greece's participation in international missions in Kosovo.

"On a number of occasions, my country has presented a stand that Serbia is the strategic partner and a key collocutor of Greece, and it is a country that should play a stabilizing role in the region," said Papoulias.

Tadić thanked his Greek counterpart for his country's principled stance regarding Kosovo's status, underscoring that Serbia will never give up the province, "or the country's path to the EU".

"The Greek stand is of an exceptional importance to Serbia. There are extreme political structures in Serbia, which would like to prove that the whole Europe is against Serbia's interests, but thanks to the countries such as Greece we may insist on Europe being our home," said Tadić.

According to him, the condition of recognizing Kosovo Albanians' unilateral declaration of independence for the sake of EU membership is not being put before Belgrade by anyone.

"I have confirmed to President Papoulias that we are continuing reforms that are bringing our country closer to EU membership, and that we will meet all our obligations toward the Hague Tribunal, because the defense of our country's integrity is based on international law," Tadić stated.

The two presidents agreed that the presence of Greek companies in Serbia is of exceptional importance and mutual interest, and said the finalization of Corridor 10 had "priority significance".

Papoulias also invited Tadić to visit Athens.

Upon his arrival to Belgrade, where he will spend three days, the Greek president was greeted with a ceremony in front of the Palace of Serbia in New Belgrade.

After his talks with Tadić, Papoulias was scheduled to meet with Belgrade Mayor Dragan Đilas, and then tour the University Village and visit Greek athletes who are competing in the Student Games under way in the Serbian capital.

The Greek president will also visit a location in Belgrade, known as Nebojša's Tower, where Greek revolutionary Rigas Feraios perished at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Later, Tadić will organize a dinner for his guest.

Serbian and Greek delegations are also scheduled to meet today in the Palace of Serbia.

On Friday, Papoulias and Serbian PM Mirko Cvetković will attend the opening of the Serb-Greek Forum. His meeting with Cvetković will be preceded by that with Serbian Parliament Speaker Slavica Đukić-Dejanović.

Also on Friday, Papoulias and Tadić will open the Center for the Hellenic Fund for Culture.

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