Brdo-Brioni Process summit in Slovenia today; Vučić attends

The summit of the Brdo-Brioni Process will be held today in Brdo near Kranj, where the situation in the Western Balkans will be discussed.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 12.09.2022.


Brdo-Brioni Process summit in Slovenia today; Vučić attends

Brdo-Brioni Process summit in Slovenia today; Vučić attends

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, is also participating in the Summit.

As previously announced, together with the host of the meeting, Slovenian President Borut Pahor and Vučić, the presidents of Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Albania, Zoran Milanović, Milo Djukanović, Stevo Pendarovski and Bajram Begaj, members of the Bosnia-Herzegovina's Presidency, Šefik Džaferović, Milorad Dodik and Željko Komšić will attend the summit, along with the President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani.

Pahor's cabinet announced at the beginning of September, when the Slovenian president was visiting Belgrade and Pristina, that the summit of the Brdo-Brioni Process will be an opportunity to review the current situation in the Western Balkans and to call on the members and institutions of the European Union to speed up the enlargement process.

The Brdo-Brioni process is a Slovenian-Croatian initiative launched in 2010 by Pahor, then Slovenian Prime Minister, with the aim of strengthening mutual trust and regional cooperation and faster integration of the Western Balkans into the EU.

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