FM has bilateral meetings on sidelines of OSCE event

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic had a number of bilateral meetings on Thursday on the sidelines of the 22nd Ministerial Council of the OSCE.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 04.12.2015.


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FM has bilateral meetings on sidelines of OSCE event

Dacic "congratulated Foreign Minister of Canada Stephane Dion on the appointment to the post and wished the new government and the country much success in its work."

During the talks they "touched on the prospects of bilateral relations, where both sides expressed willingness to strengthen political dialogue and cooperation in all fields of mutual interest."

Dacic and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden Margot Wallstrom assessed that bilateral relations between the two countries are good and that there is room for improvement in all areas.

Wallstrom "praised Serbia's OSCE chairmanship and reiterated the strong support of Sweden to the process of European integration of Serbia," the government said.

The officials also touched on the problem of migration and the need to find appropriate solutions at the European level.

Dacic presented Serbia’s experience in dealing with this problem and cooperation with neighboring countries in this field.

Dacic and Deputy Foreign Minister of Afghanistan Kalil Hekmat Karzai "discussed the possibilities for the revival of cooperation between the two countries."

The interlocutors "expressed mutual interest in the maintenance of political consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs in order to define areas of possible cooperation."

According to the government website, Karzai has shown a special interest in cooperation in education, and at the same time conveyed gratitude to Dacic for the hospitality and successful chairmanship of the OSCE.

Dacic also met with Minister of State for Europe in the Foreign Office of the United Kingdom David Lidington, who praised Serbia's chairmanship to the OSCE in terms of coping with serious challenges.

On the sidelines of the Ministerial Council, Dacic held a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin, who expressed satisfaction with the way the Serbian chairmanship of the OSCE responded to the crisis in Ukraine.

Dacic and Klimkin "emphasized the need for additional efforts to improve bilateral relations between the two close and friendly countries."

The Ukrainian minister also announced he would visit Serbia next year.

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