Croats about Djokovic: The best in history and our friend

Croatian portal "" praised Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic, who organized regional and humanitarian tournament Adria Tour this weekend in Zadar

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 21.06.2020.


Croats about Djokovic: The best in history and our friend
foto: Srdjan Stevanovic/Starsportphoto ©

Croats about Djokovic: The best in history and our friend

"This weekend, Croatia has the privilege to watch the best tennis player of all time, a charismatic athlete and friend of our country - Serbian tennis virtuoso Novak Djokovic (33), who will play in the final of the Adriatic Tour in Zadar," the "" portal reports.

The text further recalls Novak's acquaintance with Biserka Petrovic, the mother of the legendary basketball player Drazen Petrovic, who came to Zadar, as it is stated, "with a holy jersey, the jersey No. 3, worn by her son in the New Jersey Nets." 

The portal also points out that Djokovic's connection with Croatia is also linked with the fact that his mother Dijana is of Croatian origin, as she is from Vinkovci, as well as that Nikola Pilic trained 13-year-old Novak in his academy in Germany.

The regional Adria Tour started in Belgrade, and this weekend it will be held in Croatia.

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