Russians to build three more rail lines on Corridor 10

Serbian Railways and Russian Railways (RZD) subsidiary RZD International inked an agreement in Belgrade on Tuesday.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 22.09.2015.


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Russians to build three more rail lines on Corridor 10

The agreement was signed by Serbian Railways Infrastructure Director Goran Maksic and RZD International CEO Sergey Pavlov.

The agreement envisages modernization of the sections: Vinarci-Djordjevo (15 km), Vranjska Banja-Ristovac (17.7 km) and Bujanovac-Bukarevac (13.7 km).

The agreement on modernization of these three sections is worth USD 26.4 million, and the works will be financed by a Russian loan intended for modernization and construction of the Serbian rail lines amounting to USD 800 million.

The signing ceremony was attended by Serbian Minister of Traffic and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic and Russian Railways President Oleg Belozerov.

Previously, they opened the reconstructed leg of Corridor 10 from Ruma to Golubica, taking a train ride on this 18 kilometer-long section that now allows speeds up to 120 km per hour.

Mihajlovic announced on the occasion that this year Serbia will modernize 130 kilometers of rail lines, and a total of 500 kilometers in the next three years.

Belozerov expressed hope that after the realization of the Russian loan, successful cooperation will continue on new projects.

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