OSCE report on March 2004 riots cases

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 03.07.2008.


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OSCE report on March 2004 riots cases The report noted continued difficulties in securing witness statements, widespread failure to sentence alleged perpetrators according to appropriate criminal offence and long delays in proceedings. According to the report, courts in many cases did not account for an ethnic motive as an aggravating factor in the violence perpetrated by ethnic Albanians, targeting the province's Serbs. The full report, entitled "Four Years Later" is available for download below. The Kosovo criminal justice system still faces difficulties in handling cases concerning the March 2004 riots, according to a new report published by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. The Kosovo criminal justice system still faces difficulties in handling cases concerning the March 2004 riots, according to a new report published by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.

OSCE report on March 2004 riots cases

The report noted continued difficulties in securing witness statements, widespread failure to sentence alleged perpetrators according to appropriate criminal offence and long delays in proceedings.

According to the report, courts in many cases did not account for an ethnic motive as an aggravating factor in the violence perpetrated by ethnic Albanians, targeting the province's Serbs.

The full report, entitled "Four Years Later" is available for download below.

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