France warned that Roma have same rights as other Europeans

The European Commission once again threatened "tough sanctions" against France over the country's policy towards Roma migrants.

Izvor: Beta

Wednesday, 25.09.2013.


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Paris, Brussels The European Commission once again threatened "tough sanctions" against France over the country's policy towards Roma migrants. France was warned that the Roma had the right to freedom of movement across the EU as European citizens. France warned that Roma have same rights as other Europeans “Free movement as freedom to reside in another country are fundamental rights. If these principles enshrined in the treaties are not met, then the commission will use all means at its disposal to sanction such violations," AFP quoted spokesman Olivier Bailly as saying, and adding: “The Roma, like all EU citizens, enjoy the right to freedom of movement in all EU member states and to reside in a country other than their country of origin." Bailly also said that the Commission deplored "voluntary or involuntary" confusion over EU rules in France, and explained that the fact that Bulgaria and Romania are not members of Schengen "in no way impedes their citizens from movement within the EU in the name of fundamental freedoms." Commission's Vice President Viviane Reding previously sent a similar threat, warning that expulsions of the Roma had to stop. She now accused the French government of using the issue on the day it is unveiling its austerity budget. She told France Info Radio that France was at the same time not making use of the EU funds set aside to deal with the Roma question. Amnesty International warned that forced evictions of Roma in France had "reached record proportions", with some 10,000 made to leave makeshift camps in the first half of this year. There are between 10 and 12 million Romas in Europe, most of them EU citizens. In statements described as "inflammatory," France's Interior Minister Manuel Valls said that the Roma should be "delivered back to the borders", describing their way of life as "extremely different from ours," and claiming they will never integrate into French society. The AFP quoted him as "insisting on Wednesday that he stood by a controversial call for tens of thousands of ethnic Roma to be kicked out of France." "I've got nothing to correct. My remarks only shock those who don't know the subject," Valls said. Manuel Valls (Beta/AP) Beta AFP

France warned that Roma have same rights as other Europeans

“Free movement as freedom to reside in another country are fundamental rights. If these principles enshrined in the treaties are not met, then the commission will use all means at its disposal to sanction such violations," AFP quoted spokesman Olivier Bailly as saying, and adding:

“The Roma, like all EU citizens, enjoy the right to freedom of movement in all EU member states and to reside in a country other than their country of origin."

Bailly also said that the Commission deplored "voluntary or involuntary" confusion over EU rules in France, and explained that the fact that Bulgaria and Romania are not members of Schengen "in no way impedes their citizens from movement within the EU in the name of fundamental freedoms."

Commission's Vice President Viviane Reding previously sent a similar threat, warning that expulsions of the Roma had to stop.

She now accused the French government of using the issue on the day it is unveiling its austerity budget.

She told France Info Radio that France was at the same time not making use of the EU funds set aside to deal with the Roma question.

Amnesty International warned that forced evictions of Roma in France had "reached record proportions", with some 10,000 made to leave makeshift camps in the first half of this year.

There are between 10 and 12 million Romas in Europe, most of them EU citizens.

In statements described as "inflammatory," France's Interior Minister Manuel Valls said that the Roma should be "delivered back to the borders", describing their way of life as "extremely different from ours," and claiming they will never integrate into French society.

The AFP quoted him as "insisting on Wednesday that he stood by a controversial call for tens of thousands of ethnic Roma to be kicked out of France."

"I've got nothing to correct. My remarks only shock those who don't know the subject," Valls said.

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