EU tells "illegal economic migrants" not to come to Europe

European Council President Donald Tusk was in Athens on Thursday when he warned economic migrants not to come to Europe.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 03.03.2016.


EU tells
(Tanjug, file, illustration purposes)

EU tells "illegal economic migrants" not to come to Europe

According to him, "neither Greece nor any other country will be a transit country any longer."

"Schengen rules will be in force again," he said, AFP reported, and added that excluding Greece from the Schengen area was "neither a goal nor a means in this crisis."

"Greece is a part of Schengen, of the eurozone and of the EU, and it will remain that way," said Tusk.

Addressing the same press conference, Tsipras said his country will demand that sanctions imposed on those EU members that undermine joint decisions, the French agency said.

Speaking before his meeting with Tusk, Tsipras said that "a European solution to the refugee crisis is needed," Greek agency ANA reported.

Tusk arrived in Athens after visiting Ljubljana, Zagreb, and Skopje. He will now travel to Turkey where he will meet with that country's president and the prime minister.

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