Đoković cruises to Miami title

Serbian teenager Novak Đoković became the youngest winner of the Miami Masters after demolishing Guillermo Canas in the final.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 02.04.2007.


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MIAMI, BELGRADE Serbian teenager Novak Djokovic became the youngest winner of the Miami Masters after demolishing Guillermo Canas in the final. Djokovic will now rise to a career high world number seven when the rankings are released on Monday. Djokovic cruises to Miami title The 19-year-old 10th seed dominated his Argentine opponent from start to finish to win in two hours, 19 minutes. He is the first teenager to win the event since Andre Agassi defeated Stefan Edberg in 1990. He claimed a total of six aces, converted four of seven break point opportunities and had just one double fault in the contest. Djokovic, who lost serve just once in 59 games in the tournament, sealed the win with a forehand winner. It was the second title of the season for Djokovic and the fourth of his career. "When you play a final nothing is easy," said Djokovic. "I played unbelievable tennis in Indian Wells and here. It was the best tennis of my life. I didn't lose a set. "I'm always comparing myself to the best players in the world because that is what I want to be one day. "Right now I feel like for the first time in my career that I am on that level that I deserve to be one of the three best players in the world. "I'm really happy with my achievement right now and hope this is only the start." Canas, who beat Roger Federer for the second time in three weeks on the way to the final, was attempting to become only the second unseeded player to win this tournament. "I tried my best it just wasn't enough to beat him," he said. "He's a great player, very confident, he played great tennis these four weeks. "If he continues like this he will be one of the top three players very, very soon." (AP) Kostunica congratulates Djokovic Prime minister Vojislav Kostunica congratulated Novak Djokovic Monday on his success at the Masters Series tournament in Miami, Florida, the government web site said in a statement. “Dear Novak, I most heartily congratulate you on winning the Masters Series tournament in Miami. You have achieved a huge success and Serbia is proud of you and the game you gave us. I am sure that in the future you will reach the very top of the international list,” Kostunica said, according to the statement.

Đoković cruises to Miami title

The 19-year-old 10th seed dominated his Argentine opponent from start to finish to win in two hours, 19 minutes. He is the first teenager to win the event since Andre Agassi defeated Stefan Edberg in 1990.

He claimed a total of six aces, converted four of seven break point opportunities and had just one double fault in the contest.

Đoković, who lost serve just once in 59 games in the tournament, sealed the win with a forehand winner.

It was the second title of the season for Đoković and the fourth of his career.

"When you play a final nothing is easy," said Đoković. "I played unbelievable tennis in Indian Wells and here. It was the best tennis of my life. I didn't lose a set.

"I'm always comparing myself to the best players in the world because that is what I want to be one day.

"Right now I feel like for the first time in my career that I am on that level that I deserve to be one of the three best players in the world.

"I'm really happy with my achievement right now and hope this is only the start."

Canas, who beat Roger Federer for the second time in three weeks on the way to the final, was attempting to become only the second unseeded player to win this tournament.

"I tried my best it just wasn't enough to beat him," he said.

"He's a great player, very confident, he played great tennis these four weeks.

"If he continues like this he will be one of the top three players very, very soon."

Koštunica congratulates Đoković

Prime minister Vojislav Koštunica congratulated Novak Đoković Monday on his success at the Masters Series tournament in Miami, Florida, the government web site said in a statement.

“Dear Novak, I most heartily congratulate you on winning the Masters Series tournament in Miami. You have achieved a huge success and Serbia is proud of you and the game you gave us. I am sure that in the future you will reach the very top of the international list,” Koštunica said, according to the statement.

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