Croat minister championing "register of traitors" takes over

Croatia's new minister of veteran affairs, Mijo Crnoja, has taken over this department from Predrag "Fred" Matic.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 25.01.2016.


Croat minister championing
The Croatian assembly is seen last week before electing the new government (Tanjug/AP)

Croat minister championing "register of traitors" takes over

Veterans (defenders) who gathered today sent Matic off with boos and whistles, and welcomed the new social affairs minister, former nun Bernardica Juretic, with "thunderous" approval.

Juretic attended Crnoja's takeover ceremony that included a religious ritual of blessings and consecration of the premises, performed by the Roman Catholic bishop of Sisak.

Tomislav Mercep, who is accused of committing war crimes during the 1900s, also attended this ceremony.

Crnoja was presented with a crucifix, which he "promptly installed above a plasma TV set in his cabinet," said the report.

Croatia's new government was sworn in on Friday.

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