Croatian defense minister "not afraid of getting arrested"

Croatian Defense Minister Damir Krsticevic has canceled his trip to Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 07.11.2016.


Croatian defense minister
(Screen capture)

Croatian defense minister "not afraid of getting arrested"

After last week's arrest of ten former members of the Croatian Council of Defense (HVO) in Orasje, a town in Bosnia - on suspicion that they committed war crimes against Serbs - the media speculated that Krsticevic is also on that list, and that an investigation has been launched against him

At the time he said he would to Sarajevo "anyway" - even he were to get arrested there.

However, a day ahead of his planned trip, Krsticevic canceled, saying that he "must work on the budget."

Krsticevic was to go to Sarajevo for a meeting of the Central European Defence Cooperation (CEDC) defense ministers, along with his Bosnia-Herzegovina counterpart Marina Pendes, the Croatian daily Jutarnji List is reporting.

The Croatian minister continues to assert that he is "not afraid" of traveling to Bosnia-Herzegovina.

His assistant, Nikola Brzica, will now attend the CEDC meetings first in Vienna, and then in Sarajevo.

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