Berisha calls for more Kosovo recognitions

At this weekend’s UN General Assembly session, Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha called on UN member-states to recognize Kosovo.

Izvor: Tanjug

Sunday, 27.09.2009.


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At this weekend’s UN General Assembly session, Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha called on UN member-states to recognize Kosovo. After the proclamation of Kosovo independence, “the inter-ethnic tensions have decreased significantly, the departure of Serbs from Kosovo has stopped, and a process of the return of many Serb families has begun," Berisha said in New York. Berisha calls for more Kosovo recognitions He said that Kosovo “has turned into an important factor for peace and stability in the Balkans and the region of Southeast Europe,” adding that Albania is prepared to help Kosovo in the return of displaced persons. Berisha said that 63 UN member-states recognized Kosovo, which has become a member of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, but added that Kosovo “has yet to take the place it deserves among sovereign states in this prestigious organization.” The Albanian Prime Minister called on governments of UN member-states to “recognize the reality which exists in the Balkan region, and the possibility of recognizing Kosovo independence, because it would be a valuable contribution to peace and security in the region.” Sali Berisha (FoNet)

Berisha calls for more Kosovo recognitions

He said that Kosovo “has turned into an important factor for peace and stability in the Balkans and the region of Southeast Europe,” adding that Albania is prepared to help Kosovo in the return of displaced persons.

Berisha said that 63 UN member-states recognized Kosovo, which has become a member of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, but added that Kosovo “has yet to take the place it deserves among sovereign states in this prestigious organization.”

The Albanian Prime Minister called on governments of UN member-states to “recognize the reality which exists in the Balkan region, and the possibility of recognizing Kosovo independence, because it would be a valuable contribution to peace and security in the region.”

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