"Background of attacks on Nikolić to be revealed"

President's adviser Oliver Antić has said that "details of an international financial scheme involving Serbian politicians will be revealed on Thursday."

Izvor: Politika

Thursday, 05.12.2013.


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BELGRADE President's adviser Oliver Antic has said that "details of an international financial scheme involving Serbian politicians will be revealed on Thursday." According to him, this will "shed light on the (media) attacks on President Tomislav Nikolic." "Background of attacks on Nikolic to be revealed" "The material which will show that the basest motives were the reason for some people's attacks on the Serbian president and his office will be revealed," Antic told the daily newspaper Politika. "The synchronized attacks on President Nikolic are no accident," he stated, explaining that behind the attacks were people who feared they would face trials because their earlier deeds were slowly being discovered. "They now wish to say they are political victims," Antic remarked. This financial scandal will be supported by material evidence, papers, receipts and bank transactions, and foreign security agencies have been informed as well, he underscored. According to Antic, the scandal can be compared to the one in Croatia involving former PM Ivo Sanader, and some of the people who provided evidence for Sanader's crimes helped out in this case too. Oliver Antic (FoNet, file) Politika Tanjug

"Background of attacks on Nikolić to be revealed"

"The material which will show that the basest motives were the reason for some people's attacks on the Serbian president and his office will be revealed," Antič told the daily newspaper Politika.

"The synchronized attacks on President Nikolić are no accident," he stated, explaining that behind the attacks were people who feared they would face trials because their earlier deeds were slowly being discovered.

"They now wish to say they are political victims," Antić remarked.

This financial scandal will be supported by material evidence, papers, receipts and bank transactions, and foreign security agencies have been informed as well, he underscored.

According to Antić, the scandal can be compared to the one in Croatia involving former PM Ivo Sanader, and some of the people who provided evidence for Sanader's crimes helped out in this case too.

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