Funding of UNGA chairmanship yet to be discussed

A Serbian government spokesman has said that the setting aside of funds for Serbia's presidency over the UN General Assembly has not been discussed.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 04.07.2012.


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A Serbian government spokesman has said that the setting aside of funds for Serbia's presidency over the UN General Assembly has not been discussed. Milivoje Mihajlovic stated on Tuesday that this issue did not come up so far "during sessions of the Serbian government". Funding of UNGA chairmanship yet to be discussed Starting in September, Serbia's outgoing government foreign minister Vuk Jeremic will take over as UNGA president. Mihajlovic said that the government decree on setting up an office which would be monitoring Jeremic's work "does not list any figure". The decree says that the office director is obligated to propose to the Serbian government secretary the systematization of jobs within 15 days, Mihajlovic told B92 in an interview. He added that he believed that the Foreign Ministry would draw up the final calculation as to the price of this step and this or some next government would be informed about the figures and that it would reach the decision thereon. The Serbian government adopted the decree to found the Office that would monitor Jeremic's work as the UN General Assembly chairman but the document does not specify the figure needed for the funding. Mihajlovic's statement came after Jeremic's fellow high ranking DS party member and Belgrade Mayor Dragan Djilas qualified as "shameful the decision of the Serbian government to grant USD 7mn for the funding of Jeremic's office during his chairmanship". B92 Tanjug

Funding of UNGA chairmanship yet to be discussed

Starting in September, Serbia's outgoing government foreign minister Vuk Jeremić will take over as UNGA president.

Mihajlović said that the government decree on setting up an office which would be monitoring Jeremić's work "does not list any figure".

The decree says that the office director is obligated to propose to the Serbian government secretary the systematization of jobs within 15 days, Mihajlović told B92 in an interview.

He added that he believed that the Foreign Ministry would draw up the final calculation as to the price of this step and this or some next government would be informed about the figures and that it would reach the decision thereon.

The Serbian government adopted the decree to found the Office that would monitor Jeremić's work as the UN General Assembly chairman but the document does not specify the figure needed for the funding.

Mihajlović's statement came after Jeremić's fellow high ranking DS party member and Belgrade Mayor Dragan Đilas qualified as "shameful the decision of the Serbian government to grant USD 7mn for the funding of Jeremić's office during his chairmanship".

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